The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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4,766 lines
General Description
SwimBase is designed to simplify and automate the records and
reports required for a Swim Team. SwimBase will keep the swimmer
rosters and results for each meet. Roster reports, mailing labels,
telephone lists, events results, swim team ladder and time in water
are some of the reports that can be generated by SwimBase. The data
entered can be reviewed, modified or deleted at any time. All
reports can be directed to the computer screen for review, printed,
sent to a disk file for storage, transfer or modification with a
word processing program.
SwimBase is an easy to use, menu driven program. Most menus and
prompts are self-explanatory with little or no use of the manual
required. All data is entered into forms with context sensitive
help available at any time for each field. These help prompts will
give an explanation of the required data and, where appropriate,
the allowable input range. Any out of range data input will result
in error requestors explaining the problem and the opportunity to
correct the offending field.
SwimBase can be configured by the user to support teams using
USS, NF or USMS rules. The user can set up any combination of
events, event groups, names, swimmer ages, groups and points.
SwimBase will record the results of the meet and allow numerous
reports to be generated on any set of data entered.
This new version of SwimBase now includes meet management
functions which will allow you to use SwimBase to simplify the
management for your meets. It can help you prepare for the meet by
helping select the swimmers for each event, preparing meet entry
cards and printing a meet entry sheet. It can help you run your
meet dual by allowing the input of the other teams' swimmers and
the keeping track of finish times and scoring the individual events
and the meet as it progresses. After the meet is complete you can
print ribbons for either or both teams. Optionally, the results of
the meet can automatically update the SwimBase data files.
The design of SwimBase will allow the results of multiple
seasons to be stored and the team roster from previous years to be
moved forward each year with automatic updates to the swimmers' age
and group. The data from previous years can be reviewed at any time
for comparison to the current years results.
The standardized reports from SwimBase will allow simplified
comparisons of the results between different teams within the same
division or league or even teams in different leagues.
The reports from SwimBase can be set to include just a single
meet, all meets of a particular type or all meets. The results can
be sorted by sex, age or name. The results for swimmers can be
generated for individual swimmers, for all swimmers or selected by
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Results are kept of all event entries so not only are the
results of swimmers that finish in the top, point scoring, spots
available but all other finishes along with all disqualifications,
no shows, exhibitions and substitutes. It is possible at any time
to summarize all the results of all the events any swimmer was
scheduled for at any time.
Manual Organization
This manual is organized in the order that the menus, screens
and requestors are most likely to be displayed by the first time
user. Each Menu, Form or Requestor is displayed and then followed
with a brief explanation of each of the elements within it. If you
are trying to locate a particular menu or requestor then use the
index with the menu or requestor heading as input.
System Requirements
The recommended hardware and system requirements
for SwimBase are:
IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with at least 512K available RAM
Any monitor capable of a 80 column text display.
Any floppy drive with a hard disk drive. It is possible to
run on a system with 2 720K or larger floppy drives but
this is not a recommended configuration.
MS/PC DOS 3.0 or later, IBM OS/2 2.0/1 or MS Windows 3.0/1.
80 or greater column text printer (optional for reports)
Program Limitations
The program limitations for SwimBase are:
Maximum Seasons on a disk: 50
Maximum Meets in a season: 50
Maximum Swimmers in a Season: 511
Maximum Entries in an Event: 99
Longest time for an event: 59:59:99 (mins:secs:huns)
Maximum Events in a meet: 256
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Installing SwimBase
1. Check the disk where you will be installing SwimBase to be sure
that there is at least 720K free memory. This can be checked by
using the DOS CHKDSK command ('CHKDSK C:' as an example to check
the C: drive).
2. In order to start the installation you will need the SwimBase
distribution disk in a floppy drive or the SwimBase distribution
files 'UNZIPPED' into a directory. See the files SETUP.DOC and
PACKING.LST for more information about what files to expect and
what purpose each file serves. Start the INSTALL program by
entering the full path and install program name:
(If in the A: floppy drive) A:\INSTALL
(If in the C:\DOWNLOAD directory) C:\DOWNLOAD\INSTALL
3. You will be prompted for an INSTALL FROM directory, this should
in all normal circumstances be the same location as the INSTALL
program and default to the proper location. If the SwimBase files
are in a location different from the INSTALL program you should
enter that directory now.
4. You will be prompted for an INSTALL TO directory. You can select
the default by pressing enter or you can edit the directory as
required. Some suggestions for legitimate directories:
If the directory does not exist it will be created. Note that the
INSTALL program will not create multiple levels of the directory.
For the second example to work the directory C:\PROGRAMS must
already exist.
If you are upgrading an existing version of SwimBase that is at
least version 1.60 then you should follow steps 1 through 5 for
upgrading SwimBase versions 1.60 or later (see Upgrading SwimBase)
and then specify the same directory as the SwimBase version 1.6x
If you are upgrading a SwimBase version 1.40 or earlier you will
need to specify a new directory. SwimBase 2.00 cannot read the
version 1.40 or earlier files.
5. You will now press ENTER to start the installation of the
SwimBase program files. You can skip this step by entering 'N'.
6. You will now press ENTER to start the installation of the
SwimBase Manual files. You can skip this step by entering 'N'.
7. You will now press ENTER to start the installation of the
SwimBase Document files. You can skip this step by entering 'N'.
Page 4
8. You will now press ENTER to start the installation of the
SwimBase README files. You can skip this step by entering 'N'.
9. You will now press ENTER to start the installation of the
SwimBase File Viewer files. You can skip this step by entering 'N'.
The SwimBase installation is now complete. You can start the
program by typing (assuming that you installed to C:\SWIMDATA):
To view the program manual enter:
FVIEW SWIMBASE.MAN for the manual.
FVIEW SWIMBASE.TOC for the Table of Contents.
FVIEW SWIMBASE.IDX for the index.
To view the readme file enter:
To print the program manual, index or table of contents enter:
To print the program ordering information and ordering form:
Upgrading SwimBase
From SwimBase version 1.60 or later
If you are updating from SwimBase version 1.60 then follow
these steps if you want your current Season, Meet and Swimmer files
to be updates to version 2.00. Note that once this is complete
these files will not be accessable with the version 1.60 program.
1. Make a backup copy of all your existing SwimBase files.
2. Start the old version 1.60 program by typing SWIM.
3. Select 'Set or Change Defaults' from the Main Menu and be sure
that 'SKIP DB Audit' is set to 'N'.
4. Select ALT/A or the 'About SwimBase" menu selection and be sure
the Data Disk Free Memory has at least 100,000 bytes. If it is less
than this than you cannot update your old files. You can Import the
Page 5
swimmer information.
5. Quit from SwimBase.
6. Copy the new version SWIM.EXE file to the location of the old
7. Start the program by typing SWIM.
8. Enter 'y' to convert events requestor.
9. Select 'Set or Change Defaults' from the Main Menu and be sure
that 'SKIP DB Audit' is set to 'N'.
10. Use 'Select Active Season' to select each season you have
defined in order to convert the files to the new format.
From SwimBase version 1.40 or earlier
SwimBase Version 2.00 can not read the data base files from
versions prior to 1.60. If you need to update your files then you
must load version 1.6x as a intermediate step before loading 2.00.
Version 1.65 is available from the author for a moderate shipping
and handling fee.
Setup Technical Review
The SWIM.EXE file is the main program file for SwimBase. This
program file contains the main program and the program overlay
files. When SwimBase is started the main program is loaded and then
is run from RAM memory until the program is exited. As different
program options are selected the SWIM.EXE file will be
automatically accessed to load the necessary overlays into memory.
For this reason the SWIM.EXE file must stay accessible. While this
is not a problem for hard drive users it does mean that if you
start SwimBase from a floppy drive that floppy must remain loaded.
As soon as SWIM.EXE loads it will search the same directory
that SWIM.EXE is in to find the system defaults which are contained
in the file DEFAULT.DTA. If DEFAULT.DTA is not found then it will
be created in that directory.
After this is loaded then the event data files, EVENT.DTA and
EVENT.ORD are loaded. These files must be located in the program
directory (the same directory SWIM.EXE is in). If EVENT.DTA is not
located then it will be created. You can use the 'Modify Event
Definitions' menu to define your events. If you have modified the
default age group setting then an additional setup file,
AGEGRPS.DTA, will be located in the program directory and loaded to
define your age groups.
Hard Disk Setup
The program, SWIM.EXE, should be loaded in a subdirectory,
recommended name, C:\SWIMDATA, and then the Season and data files
kept in this same directory. Using the defauls from the INSTALL
program will result in this configuration.
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Dual Floppy Disk Setup
To use this setup you must have at least 2 floppy drives
each with a capacity of 720K or more.
1. Use the INSTALL program to install the program on a floppy.
See INSTALL.DOC for floppy installation.
2. Put the Program files disk in drive A: and a blank, formatted
floppy in drive B:.
3. Start the program by typing A:\SWIM.
4. Answer N to 'Directory Open Failure' requestor.
5. Enter directory for the data disk, 'B:\SWIMDATA' is recommended
6. Be sure the data disk is in drive B: and press return.
7. Press Y to create directory.
8. When program starts select 'Set or Change Defaults' and enter the
directory from step 5 as the data PATH default.
9. Each time you are ready to use the program place the program disk
in drive A: and the data disk in drive B: and then type A:\SWIM.
Menu Usage
The basic use of all menus is the same. The up and down arrow
keys are used to move within the menu or by pressing the first
letter of a menu item it can be jumped to. The selection is picked
by pressing the ENTER key. On the menus that can span more than one
screen full of data such as the swimmer requestor the Page Up and
Page Down keys move a page at a time rather than a item at a time.
The ESC key will return to the previous menu or selection or exit
the program from the opening menu. The ESC key is consistent
throughout the program to cancel the current selection.
There are 3 special keys that are active in any menu. ALT/C
(holding down the ALT key and pressing C) will open a time
calculator window. This calculator will allow you to add, subtract
and divide time in minutes:seconds:hundreds format. See the manual
section on the Time Calculator for details. ALT/A (holding down the
ALT key and pressing A) will open the 'About SwimBase' window with
memory usage statistics. ALT/D will shell out (exit) to DOS. This
DOS shell will allow any DOS commands or actions to be taken. You
can return to SwimBase at the point you left by entering 'EXIT' at
the DOS prompt.
Page 7
Menus and Screens
/= F1 HELP = 08/22 15:57:05 \
| |
| SwimBase |
| Opening Menu |
| Select Active Season |
| Define New Season |
| Remove Existing Season |
| Archive Season Data |
| Set or Change Defaults |
| Change Data Disk |
| Modify Event or Age Grps |
| Import Season DataBase |
| About Swim Data System |
| Exit Swim Data Base |
Opening Menu
This is the initial menu presented when SwimBase is started.
All functions of SwimBase are accessed through this menu. Exiting
this menu quits SwimBase and returns control back to the operating
1. Select Active Season
This selection will present the Season Select Requestor
with a list of all defined seasons. Pick the season that will
contain the data to be used for this session. Most operations
within SwimBase are done to the data in a particular season.
2. Define New Season
This item is used to define a new season. Before any
operations can be done on meets, swimmers or events the season
in which they are to exist must be built. When this is selected
you will be presented 2 forms. The first will allow you to
choose a name for the season and the second will build the
information about the season. These forms are discussed in
greater detail elsewhere.
3. Remove Existing Season
This selection will delete a season. Note that all data
associated with this season will be deleted. The swimmers,
meets and events will be gone. In normal usage there will be no
reason to delete a season. Old seasons should be retained for
review in the future.
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4. Archive Season Data
This selection will allow you to make a backup copy of a
season or restore a previously created backup. Regular backups
should be made to avoid data loss in case of a system failure.
A full description of these options is contained within the
description of the Archive menus and forms.
5. Set or Change Defaults
This selection will present a form that allows several
configuration parameters to be set. These parameters are fully
explained in the Default Data form description.
6. Change Data Disk
If the program is kept on a separate disk from the data
then after starting the program use this selection to tell the
program where to look for the data. A Drive/Path Selection Form
will be presented into which you will enter the drive letter to
locate the disk. If you will be using the same disks and
directories each time then you can set the data path in the Set
Defaults form.
This selection can also be used to change the directory
that contains the Seasons you wish to work with. This would be
used if you kept different directories for different Seasons or
7. Modify Event or Age Grps
This selection can be used to create, modify, view or print
the Event or Age Group definition files. See the manual
sections on Event Definitions or Age Group Definitions for
further details.
8. Import Season DataBase
This selection is used to copy the swimmer data base from
one season to another. The swimmer roster records will be
transferred to the new season and the age and group fields
updated according to the date of the new Season. This selection
will only import the swimmer records, no meet or event data is
imported. The data in the old season is not modified.
9. About Swim Data Base
This selection presents a short description and copyright
notice along with the version number and date and the unique
serial number for this program. Also included are details on
active program and data paths, free Disk, Ram and Stack memory
and Ram Heap integrity. This selection can be used to determine
the amount of free disk space on your data disks.
10. Exit Swim Data Base
Return to DOS, quit program.
Page 9
Season Menus and Forms
/==============Create New season=============\
| |
| Enter new Season Name (4 to 8 characters) |
| Press ESC to QUIT |
| |
| Season Name : ________ |
| |
| |
| |
Season Name Form
This form will appear when Define New Season is selected. You
will enter the name for the new season. The name must be at least
4 characters long and no longer than 8 characters. Some examples
would be: MGC1990, SEASON1, OLNEY or TEAM90.
/=== Enter Default Data for Season == Press F1 for Help ===\
| Team Name : __________________ |
| |
| Other Info, Division : ____________________________ |
| |
| Start date : __/__/__ End date : __/__/__ |
| |
| Number of Meets : ___ Age Basis (M,J,C,F) : _ |
| |
| Age Up Date : __/__/__ (Valid if Age Basis if 'F') |
| |
Season Entry Form
This is the form used to enter season data. The field
descriptions are as follows:
1. Team Name
This is the name or base location of the team. This
information will appear on any reports generated from data in
this season.
2. Other Info, Division
This field contains additional information about the team
or season to be entered. It also will become part of the header
of any reports about this season.
3. Start Date
This is the date of the first meet of the season in
Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YY) format. The year from this field is
used to calculate the swimmers' age and group information.
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4. End Date
This is the date of the last meet in the season. This is
for informational purposes only.
5. Number of Meets
This is the number of meets in the season. It is also for
informational purposes only. If you define more meets than you
specified here it will not cause any problems.
6. Age Basis (M,J,C,F)
This entry will set the date that is used for the basis of
calculating the age and age group for each swimmer. When 'M'
(Meet) is used the swimmers' age and age group will be set
relative to the selected meet start date. 'C' (Current) will
set the age relative to the current date. 'J' (July 1) will set
the age relative to July 1st of the year the Season starts. If
the Age Basis is set to 'F' (Fixed) then the date that the
swimmer's age will be set relative to is taken from the Age Up
Date field.
7. Age Up date
If the Age Basis is set to 'F' then the swimmer's age will
be set relative to this date. If the Age Basis is anything else
this date will be ignored.
See the 'Age Up Swimmer Data' selection in the 'Swimmer
Setup Menu' to reset the swimmers' age and age group as the
season progresses.
/========= Delete SEASON Warning ========\
| |
| Delete this SEASON Y/N [N] ? _ |
| |
| |
| This SEASON and all SWIMMER data, MEET |
| data and EVENT data for this SEASON |
| will be DELETED. !!! FOREVER !!! |
\========= *** FINAL WARNING *** ========/
/========= Delete SEASON Warning ========\
| |
| Delete SEASON Name: |
| |
| |
| Enter Season NAME to VERIFY DELETE |
| Press ESC to QUIT and abort DELETE |
| Season Name to DELETE: ________ |
\========= *** FINAL WARNING *** ========/
Delete Season (Meet) Requestors
Any time you try to delete either a season or a meet this pair
Page 11
of requestors will appear. The first requestor will sound a buzzer
and ask for a Yes/No confirmation that you really intend to delete
this season or meet. If anything other than Y is entered the
process is canceled and you are returned to the menu.
If Y is entered the second requestor will appear and you will
need to enter the season or meet name to complete the deletion. If
this name isn't entered correctly then the process is canceled. If
the correct name is entered then the season or meet will be
Once deleted there is no way to
recover the deleted data.
| Select Season |
| MGC1991 |
| OMSC1990 |
| TEST0123 |
| Cancel Select |
Season Select Requestor
This requestor is used by several other menu items to allow the
choice of a particular season. A list of all seasons is presented
and you can chose any season or cancel the operation by either
selecting Cancel Select or pressing the ESC key. The action taken
after selecting a season will depend on what menu you were in when
this menu appeared. The list of seasons will be sorted
alphabetically and if more than 12 seasons exist then selections
for next page and last page will be included.
Database Maintenance Menus
| DataBase |
| Maintenance |
| Archive Swimmer Data |
| Archive Meet Data |
| Archive Event Defs |
| Restore Data |
Page 12
DataBase Maintenance Menu
This menu is used to determine if the data is to be archived
(saved from the active files to a backup copy) or restored (moved
from the backup copy to the active copy). The Archive data
selection should be used as a matter of routine. The Restore Data
selection should only be used in times of data base corruption or
to share a data base among different systems.
You can choose to archive the Swimmer, Meet or Event data to
the same destination or use separate floppy disks for each. As your
data grows you may need to use different disks for each. When you
restore the data the program will restore whatever data is present
on the floppy to the program disk. If you archived all 3 to the
same disk then all 3 will be restored. If you only did 1 then that
is all that will be restored.
If you are planning to use the Import/Export Meet Data
functions then you may want to use just the Archive Swimmer Data
selection to insure that the Swimmer data files are identical on
the 2 systems that will be sharing data. See the manual section
describing the Import and Export functions for further details.
/============== *** Overwrite DataBase Warning *** ==============\
| |
| The process you have selected will overwrite |
| the existing DataBase for the Season you are |
| about to select. This should only be done to |
| recover from data corruption. |
| If improperly used this process could destroy |
| your swimmer and meet data bases. BE CAREFUL!!! |
| |
| Overwrite |
| DataBase |
| Yes |
| No! |
Overwrite Database Warning
This pair of windows will appear if you have selected to
restore a previously archived database. The restoral process will
replace the current data with the old data.
Page 13
/== Enter Default Data for SDB == Press F1 for Help =\
| |
| AutoDetect Monitor : Y Color Monitor : |
| Quick Start : Y SKIP DB Audit : Y |
| Startup Password : __________ Foreground : 0 |
| Delete Password : __________ Background : 9 |
| Print Extended Graphics : Y View Color : 1 |
| Printer Port : PRN Carriage returns ? : N |
| Printer Setup : ____________________________ |
| Enter PATH name for SwimBase Data Files: |
| PATH = C:\SWIMDATA_______________________________ |
| Use No Age Groups : N Use 7 Age Groups : N |
| Each Meet has Event File : N Keep Records : Y |
| Yard Factor : __.___ Meter Factor : __.___ |
| |
| |
| Press ENTER to Accept, Any other key to edit |
Default Data Form
This form enters default data about your system, printer and
preferences. This data is entered once and then will remain in
effect unless changed.
1. AutoDetect Monitor
If this is set to Y then the program will automatically
detect the presence of a color monitor and use color. In some
cases it is possible that the monitor type indicated by the
system does not match what is actually installed, this is a
common problem with portable Pcs. If this occurs then set this
to N and set the proper monitor type in the next field. You can
also force a color monitor to display in black and white by
setting this field to N and the next field to N.
2. Color Monitor
If you are using a color monitor then select Y for this
field otherwise set it to N. This field will not appear if
AutoDetect Monitor is set to Y.
3. Quick Start
The program will display an opening banner for a few
seconds if this is set to N. To go directly to the opening
menus set it to Y.
4. SKIP DB Audit
The program will run a check on the integrity of the
database structures each time a season is selected if this is
set to N. This step can be skipped by setting this to Y. The
few seconds lost while the data base check (audit) is run is a
small price to pay for insurance that your data is not
Page 14
5. Startup Password
If you wish to require a password to access any of the data
then enter that password here. The password can be any string
of characters up to 10 in length. To remove a password once one
is entered use 'NOPASSWORD' (uppercase) as the password. Note
that you will need to know the old password to remove it.
6. Foreground
You can use this selection to select any one of ten
different color combinations for the menus, screens and
messages by entering a number between 0 and 9. The changes are
effective as soon as the default data form is accepted.
7. Delete Password
If you wish to require a password to delete data but not
one for access then set a password here. The same requirements
for removing this password apply.
8. Background
This selection acts the same as for Foreground selection
except it controls the window background and shading. These
colors are a subset of the Foreground colors so changing
Foreground will effect the Background.
9. Print Extended Graphics
Set this to Y if your printer supports the Extended or IBM
line drawing character set. The best looking reports can be
obtained with this set to Y. If the reports generated with this
set to Y have garbage in the borders and through them then you
will need to set this to N or use the Printer Setup the enter
the proper printer codes to print Extended or IBM characters.
10. View Color
This selection acts the same as Foreground and Background
but it controls the colors for any reports that are viewed on
11. Printer Port
When you reach this selection a secondary selection
requestor will open that will allow you to select which printer
port your printer is attached to. The possible selections are:
PRN for the DOS default printer port, LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3 for
the possible parallel ports and COM1 through COM4 for the
possible serial ports. If you select one of the COM ports you
will need to define the port parameters (Baud, bits etc.)
before starting SwimBase. See the DOS MODE command for details.
12. Carriage returns
SwimBase sends a linefeed (new line or LF or 0A) at the end
of each line when it generates any printed reports. Most
Page 15
printers will convert this linefeed to a linefeed/carriage
return pair. If your reports run off the right edge of the
paper it is probably because your printer does not follow this
convention. Changing this field to Y will send both a linefeed
and a carriage return to the printer.
On a HP Laserjet the appearance of this problem is the
first line of the report will print and then the rest of the
page will be blank. Changing this field to Y will cure this
Alternatively, Using '1b 26 6b 32 47' as the printer setup
for a HP Laserjet will cause the printer to follow the standard
LF to LF/CR conversion.
13. Printer Setup
This is the string that will be sent to the printer before
any thing is printed. The string needs to be entered as
hexadecimal characters with each character separated by a
space. An example would be '1b 7 1'. Most printer manuals use
hexadecimal in the reference section.
14. PATH =
If the data files are going to be kept in a directory
different from the directory with the program file 'SWIM.EXE'
then set the directory PATH here and the program will
automatically use those files. The path can be entered as
either a full or relative path name. Some examples of
legitimate full pathnames would be:
Examples of relative pathnames:
Please note that changes entered here are not immediately
active. To start using the new PATH you must either select
'Change Data Disk or Path' for the Opening Menu or Exit and
restart SwimBase.
15. Use NO Age Groups
If your league does not differentiate swimmers by their
ages then set this selection to 'N'. With this set to 'N' then
all reports and selections will be made without reference to
the swimmers' age or age group.
16. Use 7 Age Groups
SwimBase has two sets of default age groups available if
you don't use the Modify Events or Age Grps selection from the
Opening Menu to custom define your age groups. These defaults
are to use either 5 age groups or 7 age groups. If this field
is set to N then the available age groups are: 8 & U, 9 - 10,
11 - 12, 13 - 14 and 15 - 18. If set to Y then the groups are:
6 & U, 8 & U, 9 - 10, 11 - 12, 13 - 14, 15 - 16 and 17 - 18. A
Page 16
'SENIOR' group is also available.
This selection will not appear if you have defined your own
age groups or you have selected to use no age groups.
17. Each Meet has Event File
This selection when set to 'Y' will allow each meet to have
different numbers of finishers scoring points and different
points assigned to each place. When selected the 'Main Menu'
will include a 'Modify Event Definitions' selection where the
Meet specific values are defined. Refer to the Main Menu for
18. Keep Records
You can keep details of both league and team records,
including the swimmer name, date and location, for all events.
Set this to 'Y' if you wish to keep this level of detail. See
the 'Record Detail Form' for a more complete description of the
data retained.
19. Yard Factor
20. Meter Factor
If your league swims some meets in pools measured in meters
and others in pools measured in yards and you want to normalize
the reports to show all times as meters or yards then you can
enter the Yard to Meter and Meter to Yard multiplier factors
here. A suggested yard to meter factor would be 1.11 and a
meter to yard factor would be 0.901. If there is any entry in
these fields then any reports will allow an option of reporting
in Yards, Meters or As Entered.
Page 17
Event Menus and Forms
Understanding Events
The initial setup of your event definitions can have a large
impact on how well SwimBase will fulfill your requirements so
before starting to define your events you should take some time to
understand how events are handled by SwimBase.
As an example let's say that there are 4 events used in your
league. These are:
Event Event
Number Description
5 Boys 8 and Under 50M Freestyle
5a Boys 6 and Under 50M Freestyle
6 Girls 8 and Under 50M Freestyle
6a Girls 6 and Under 50M Freestyle
Now what we need to do is number these events starting at 1 so
now what we have is:
Event Event
Number Description
1 5 Boys 8 and Under 50M Freestyle
2 5a Boys 6 and Under 50M Freestyle
3 6 Girls 8 and Under 50M Freestyle
4 6a Girls 6 and Under 50M Freestyle
The numbers 1 through 4 can be thought of as the SwimBase
internal event numbers. You can skip numbers if you wish and add
more events later but once data is entered for a meet the internal
number for that event can't be changed.
When you are entering event results you will enter the Event
Number (IE: 5 or 6a) and SwimBase will store the data under the
internal event number.
The order that the events will appear in reports or if the
event will appear in the report at all is determined by the
internal event numbers.
The steps that we would follow to setup the events for this
example are:
1. Select 'Modify Event Definitions' from the 'Opening Menu'.
2. Select 'Modify Globals' from the 'Modify Events' menu.
3. Enter '1' as the 'Lowest Event' and '4' as the 'Highest Event'.
The value for 'Lanes Scoring Points' will come from your league
rules. It is the number of places that are awarded points. If the
first 4 finishers are awarded points then enter 4 for this field.
Page 18
4. Now select 'Modify Events' from the 'Modify Events' menu and
enter the internal number of the first event we are defining ('1')
into the 'Enter Event to Update' requestor.
5. Enter the Event Number for this event ('5') into the 'Event
Definition #001 Details' form and complete the rest of the form
using the 'Event Input Form' for details of each of the fields in
the form.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of the remaining events.
Please refer to this simple 4 event example to better
understand the Event Setup Description that follows.
Event Setup Description
When 'Change Event Definitions' is selected two data files,
EVENT.DTA and EVENT.ORD, will be created or modified if they exist.
The information contained in these files are the names, points per
place, maximum points for the event, age group, event type, point
basis, team or individual, output order and the start and end event
numbers. There can be up to 256 events defined. This file is used
by the SWIM main program and needs to be in the SWIM program
Event Definition Requestors
| Modify Events |
| Review Events |
| Modify Events |
| Modify Globals |
| Review Order |
| Modify Order |
| Record Detail |
| Set Age Groups |
| Cancel |
Opening Menu Modify Event Requestor
Page 19
| Modify Events |
| Review Events |
| Modify Events |
| Modify Globals |
| Review Order |
| PreSet Points |
| Cancel |
Main Menu Modify Event Requestor
The first of these menus will appear when 'Modify Events or Age
Grps' is selected from the Opening Menu. The second will appear
when 'Modify Event Definitions' is selected from the Main Menu.
When selected from the Main Menu you will also need to select which
meet the Event File is for. From this menu you can change the
definitions of the individual events, the number of events and
output order of the events, the team and league record details, the
swimmer age groups and the event points. The selections within the
two menus will be described together.
1. Review Events
This selection will produce the Event Definitions report.
This report will provide details of how your events are
currently defined. Refer to the 'Event Definitions' report for
2. Modify Events
This selection is used to modify the details of a single
event. When selected you will first be asked for which event
you want to modify (use the internal event number to select)
and then will complete an event definition form. See the
'Modify Event Form' for details of the fields within this form.
If this is the individual meet event form selected from the
Main Menu then you will only be able to modify the points for
the events. All other changes are done from the Opening Menu
Modify Events.
3. Modify Globals
This selection is used to change the high and low event
number and the number of places scoring points. See the 'Modify
Globals Form' for details of the fields within this form.
4. Modify Order
This selection is used to set the order of events in any
reports or to build reports that exclude certain events for the
report. See the 'New Event Order' form for details on the
fields in this form.
Page 20
5. Review Order
This selection will produce a report of the values that you
have defined in the previous selection.
6. Record Detail
This selection will allow you the add, change or report on
the record detail information for your team and league.
7. Set Age Groups
If the 2 predefined age groups do not fit your needs this
selection can be used to define the specific age groups for
your team. See the Age Groups form for more detail on the use
of this selection.
8. PreSet Points
If you use different points and scoring values for each
meet it is possible to build a file that will simplify the
setup of each of your meets. See Preset Points in the manual
for further details on the use of this function.
■ Event Definitions
|Low ev = 1,High ev = 50,Finishers = 5,YtoM = 0.0, MtoY = 0.0
|1992 Test team DG Page 1
| p01 p02 p03 p04 p05
| 1 1 Boys 12 & U 100M Ind. Med S B 11 - 12 IMed BOTH 10 0 100M
| 6 4 3 2 1
| 2 2 Girls 12 & U 100M Ind. Med S G 11 - 12 IMed BOTH 10 0 100M
| 6 4 3 2 1
Event Definition Report
This is a partial event definition report. The field
definitions are as follows:
1. Low event number (Low ev)
This is the lowest definable event number as entered in the
event definition requestor for lowest event.
2. High event number (High ev)
This is the highest definable event number.
3. Finishers
This is the number of finishers (places) that can generate
points for the swimmers. In the example the 4 means that places
Page 21
1 through 4 will receive points while the rest will be
classified as DNP - Did not Place. The allowable range is 3 to
4. YtoM
5. MtoY
This is the Yards to Meters and Meters to Yards conversion
factors. These values are entered in the Set or Change Defaults
selection. See that selection for an explanation for the usage
of YtoM and MtoY.
6. I#
This is the internal number for this event. It will not
always be the same as the event number you assign to the event.
7. ENum
This is the event number that you have assigned for this
event. This is the number (it can be alpha, numeric or mixed)
that you will enter when referencing this event.
8. Event Name
This is the name of the event. Note that because of the
amount of information in this report the event name is limited
to 30 characters. In the reports and event forms the full 36
characters of the event name are retained.
9. ET
This is the Event Time, either S for short (9:59:99 or
less) or L for up to 59:59:99.
10. G
This the gender for this particular event. G is for Girls
and B is for Boys.
11. AGRP
This is the age group for this event. If you select to not
use age groups then this field will not appear in the event
12. EGRP
This is the event group for this event. This field is used
for selecting this event in reports. The possible choices are
freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, individual
medley, free relay, medley relay or don't care.
13. TYP
This field determines the point accumulation type to be
used for this event.
Page 22
14. MX
This is the maximum number of points that the team can
accumulate from the event.
15. MN
This is the minimum number of points a team can accumulate
from an event. This value only comes into play for scoring a
meet in the Swim Meet Management selection. If either team has
a swimmer entered in an event and no swimmer finishes in the
points then this value is applied.
16. LNG
This is the distance for this event. This selection is used
to select particular events for reporting purposes.
11. p01, p02, p03, p0n .......
This is the number of points awarded for each finishing
place, 1st through nth. The number of places that will appear
here depends on the setting of the Finishers Scoring value.
/========== Enter Event Data == Press F1 for Help =========\
| |
| Lowest Event : 1__ Highest Event : 46_ |
| |
| Finishers Scoring Points : 5 |
| |
Modify Globals Form
This form is used to set the lowest and highest event number
and the number of Finishers Scoring. The range for the event
numbers must be between 0 and 255 with the lowest event being at
least 1 less than the highest. The range for Finishers Scoring is
3 to 16.
1. Lowest Event
This is the internal event number of the lowest event used.
This number can range from 0 to 254 and must be at least 1 less
than the Highest Event number. From the setup example this
would be a '1'.
2. Highest Event
This is the internal event number of the highest event
used. This number can range from 1 to 255 and must be at least
1 more than the lowest event number. From the setup example
this would be a '4'.
3. Finishers Scoring Points
This is the number of finishers that can be awarded points
Page 23
in each event. This number can range from 3 to 16. This number
should be the highest applicable to any event. If the
individual events allow 5 scorers and the relays only 3 then 5
should be entered here. During the relay event setup you will
be able to set the extra places to 0 points to avoid scoring
/=== Enter Event to Update ==\
| |
| Event (1 - 150) : ___ |
| |
\=== ESC to Save and Exit ===/
Event Requestor
This requestor is used to select an individual event for input
or update. The number entered is the internal event number. The
range of numbers that can be selected is set by the high and low
numbers entered on the global setup.
After you have made your event changes press the ESC key and
your changes will be saved and the program will return to the menu.
/=================== Event Definition #001 Details ==================\
| |
| Event Number : 1___ |
| |
| Decription : _1_-_Boys__12_&_U__100M_Ind._Medley_ Active (Y/N) : Y |
| |
| 6=15 - 16 7=17 - 18 |
| 0= 6 & U 1= 8 & U 2= 9 - 10 3=11 - 12 4=13 - 14 |
| Age Group (0 - 15): 3_ Event Gender (B/G) : B |
| |
| Event Group : 4 Time for Event : S Event Distance : 25M__ |
| |
| Select points for each finishing place (0 - 99) |
| 1st : 6_ 2nd : 4_ 3rd : 3_ 4th : 2_ 5th : 1_ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Enter basis for point accumulation, [I]ndividual, [T]eam or [B]oth |
| Scoring basis : B Maximum Points : 10 Minimum Points : 0_ |
| |
| Team Rec. __:__:__ League Rec. __:__:__ AllStar Time __:__:__ |
Event Input Form
This form is used to input the details of a single event. The
field definitions are as follows:
1. Event Number
This is the event number that you will use to identify this
event. This is the number that you will input to enter results
Page 24
for this event and the number that will appear on any reports.
It can be up to 4 characters, either numbers or letters. Some
valid numbers would be 1, 2, 3a, 44b or a.
2. Description
This is a narrative description of this event. The
description can be up to 36 characters in length. This the way
this event's description will appear in all reports.
3. Active
The field selects if this event is active. If this is set
to N then this event will be ignored for all reports. Any used
event definition should be set to Y.
4. Age Group
This is the age group that will compete in this event. IF
you use the 5 or 7 age groups setting available in the default
setup the age group selections are:
0 - 6 & U
1 - 8 & U
2 - 9 - 10
3 - 11 - 12
4 - 13 - 14
5 - 15 - 18
6 - 15 - 16
7 - 17 - 18
9 - Do Not Care
If you decide to define your own set of age groups then you will
pick from the list that you built in age group setup.
5. Gender
Select B for Boys or G for Girls.
6. Event Group
This is the event group selection for this event. The event
group selections are:
0 - Freestyle
1 - Backstroke
2 - Breaststroke
3 - Butterfly
4 - Individual Medley
5 - Free Relay
6 - Medley Relay
9 - Do Not Care
Event groups 5 and 6 are the relay events and when event
results are entered for these events a subform will open that
will allow the entry of the relay leg results (stroke and time)
for each of the 4 swimmers in the relay event. If you do not
Page 25
want to keep track of the relay legs then set these events to
type 9.
7. Time for Event (L or S)
This entry will select if the maximum time for the event
is 9:59:99 or 59:59:99. Using 'S' will limit the input for this
event to 9:59:99. The major effect of this selection is during
data input the time can be input with 1 character for the
minutes and some reports will report only a single character
for the minutes value.
8. Event Distance
This entry is for the length of the event. You will enter
the distance and either a 'Y' or a 'M' for yards or meters. The
line above this selection will show the allowable input
distance number as you input this field. A proper entry would
be 100M with no space between the distance and the M.
9. 1st place (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ... 16th)
This is the number of points accumulated for each finishing
place. Depending on your setup anywhere from 3 to 16 places may
appear here.
If you are changing the event definition file for an
individual meet (accessed through the Main Menu) this will be
the first field that you will enter. This field and the next 3
will be the only ones available for modification.
10. Scoring basis
This determines how this event is handled for individual
and team point accumulation. If the event is considered a TEAM
event then no points will be shown for the individual swimmers
on the swimmer reports. The possible selections are 'I' for an
Individual event, 'B' for an event that will accumulate points
for both the individual and the team and 'T' for team only
11. Maximum Team Points
This is the maximum points that the team can earn in this
11. Minimum Team Points
This is the minimum points that the team can earn in this
event. This is only used in the Swim Meet Management, Score
meet selection.
11. Team Rec., League Rec. and AllStar Time
By entering values in these 3 fields you can be alerted to
any swimmer that equals or betters a event 'record' or
'allstar' time. A alert requestor will appear during event
results input if either time is met and certain reports will
Page 26
have a '*R', '*T' or '*A' to indicate that this time is a
League, Team or Allstar time. If you have selected to keep
record details in the Default setup you will have the option of
adding the record detail information.
/==================== Enter New Event Order ===================\
| |
| Output Number : 2__ |
| |
| Event Number : 5a__ |
| |
| Active (Y/N) : Y |
| |
Event Order Form
This form is used to define the order that the events will
appear in the reports or if the event will appear in the reports at
1. Output Number
This is the position in the report that this event will
appear. Number 1 will be first, 2 second and so on. Note that
if 1 is set to Active = N then 2 will be first.
2. Event Number
This is the Event number that will be output in this output
number. This is not the internal event number but the event
number that you assigned in the event definition form.
3. Active
This field will determine if the event will appear in the
report. If it is set to N that the event will not be output in
the report. Note that setting this to N will not effect any
data already entered for this event.
| Event Report Output Order |
|Out Report Out Report Out Report |
|Ord Event Num ACT Ord Event Num ACT |
| 1 1 INACT 2 5 ACT |
| 4 4 ACT 5 2 ACT |
| 7 7 ACT 8 8 ACT |
| 10 10 ACT 11 11 ACT |
| 13 13 ACT 14 14 ACT |
| 16 16 ACT 17 17 ACT |
Event Order Report
This report shows the event output order and status of each
Page 27
defined event. Out Ord is the output order. Report Event Num is
the Event number that will appear in the order shown. ACT or
INACT decides if this event will appear in the reports.
/==================== Enter Data for Record ===================\
| |
| Event Number : ____ |
| |
| Record Time : __:__:__ Record Time Date : __/__/__ |
| |
| Swimmer Name : _______________________________ |
| Swimmer Team : __________________ |
| Pool Location : __________________ |
| Opponent : __________________ |
| |
| |
| |
Record Detail Form
This form is used to keep a detailed record of league or team
records. You can keep one or the other or both. It can be accessed
in several ways. The first is from the Event and Age Grp menu,
Record Detail selection. The others are during entry of event
information or event results. If you have populated the league
and/or team record fields in the event setup and have Keep Records
default set to 'Y' then anytime a swimmer exceeds either record you
will have the option of completing this record. The record will be
prepopulated with all the information available from the swimmer's
/ Enter or Update Swimmer Age Groups ====================================\
| |
| Group 0 Description _6_&_U_ Low Age 1_ High Age 6_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 1 Description _8_&_U_ Low Age 1_ High Age 8_ Gender B Act Y |
| Group 2 Description _9_-_10 Low Age 9_ High Age 10 Gender B Act Y |
| Group 3 Description 11_-_12 Low Age 11 High Age 12 Gender B Act Y |
| Group 4 Description 13_-_14 Low Age 13 High Age 14 Gender B Act Y |
| Group 5 Description 15_-_18 Low Age 15 High Age 18 Gender B Act Y |
| Group 6 Description 15_-_16 Low Age 15 High Age 16 Gender B Act N |
| Group 7 Description 17_-_18 Low Age 17 High Age 18 Gender B Act N |
| Group 8 Description SENIOR_ Low Age 99 High Age 99 Gender B Act N |
| Group 9 Description __DNC__ Low Age 99 High Age 99 Gender B Act N |
| Group 10 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 11 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 12 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 13 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 14 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| Group 15 Description _______ Low Age 0_ High Age 0_ Gender B Act N |
| |
Page 28
Swimmer Age Group Form
This form is used to define the age groups for your team if you
can't use the 2 predefined sets. The groups are numbered from 0
through 15. The description is the text that will appear on any
reports that are age group specific. You can use any characters
that you like but you are limited to 7 characters. The low age and
high age fields give the range of ages that will be swimming in
this group. The gender can be 'B' for both or 'F' for female or 'M'
for male. Act determined if this group is active, 'Y' for yes and
'N' for no. In actual usage the age groups are searched from the
top (group 0) looking for a group that meets the age range, gender
and is active. In cases of an overlap the first age group will be
As is the case with the event definitions, each age group has
an internal number that is used in other records referring back to
a particular age group. If you have entered data with the first age
group as '8 and Under' and then change the first age group to '6
and Under' you have in effect changed all records that were 8 and
U to 6 and U. It is important to set the age groups up properly
before you start entering meet results.
1. Group n Description
This is the textual description that will appear any time
that this age group is referred to in any forms or reports. You
are limited to 7 characters.
2. Low Age
This is the lowest age that will be in this age group. The
value can be anywhere from 1 to 99.
3. High Age
This is the highest age that will be in this age group. The
value can be anywhere from 1 to 99.
4. Gender
This is the gender of this age group. It can be 'B' for
both, 'F' for female or 'M' for male.
5. Act
This determines if this group is active, 'Y' for active and
'N' for inactive. It is possible by having this on for some
meets and off for others to combine age groups for certain
If some meets use both a 6 and under and a 8 and under you
could define both groups and if you do an 'Age Up' with them
both active then swimmers would be placed in 6 and U or 8 and
U. For a meet that combines these two groups by setting
Active=N for the 6 and Under and doing another 'Age Up' the
swimmer would be all placed in the 8 and Under group.
Page 29
Preset Points
This selection will set the points awarded for each event to
the values entered in the SCORES.DTA file. The SCORES.DTA file must
be located in the same directory as the SWIM.EXE file and it is
built as follows:
6 2 10 0 6 5 4 3 2 1
This line would translate to, 6 places scoring, relays score
double points per place, maximum 10 points for a team in the event,
no minimum points, 6 for 1st, 5 for 2nd etc. The SCORES.DTA file
can be built with any plain text editor. (EDLIN or DOS 5.0 EDIT or
Wordperfect using DOS TEXT IN/OUT).
When PreSet Points is selected you will enter a number that
represents the number of places scoring and SCORES.DTA will be
searched for a matching line. If found then all events will be set
accordingly. If not found then a error will appear and no action
will occur. This selection is only available if you have selected
Each Meet has Event file in Set Defaults.
/================= Enter PATH For SwimBase data =================\
| |
| Enter Path name for Data Files |
| Enter ESC to return to Opening Menu |
| |
| PATH = C:\SWIMDATA_______________________________ |
| |
| |
Drive or Path Selection Requestor
This form is used to enter the new disk drive and/or path for
the swim data files. If you need to change from one data disk
(floppy) to another or need to load the program and then change the
floppy this selection should be used. This can also be used to keep
multiple database files on your disk. If you are using one single
path on the hard disk then the path entry in the Default setup
should be used.
Page 30
/= F1 HELP === 03/06 07:41:58 \
| |
| SwimBase |
| Main Menu |
| Active season |
| --> OMSC1990 <-- |
| |
| Meet Data, Add or Modify |
| Swimmer Data, Add or Modify |
| Event Results, Add or Modify |
| Swim Meet Management |
| Reports, View or Print |
| Audit DataBase Structures |
| Change Season Information |
| Display Season Information |
| Modify Event Definitions |
| Return to Opening Menu |
Main Menu
This menu will appear after a season is selected from the
Opening Menu. It is divided into 9 parts. 6 selections will present
submenus and the other 3 will result in actions as defined below.
1. Add or Modify Meet Data
This selection is used to create, change, delete or view
meet data. Note that this is the meet definition itself, not
the event results within that meet. The meet must be defined
before any event data is entered.
2. Add of Modify Swimmer Data
This selection is for the creation and maintenance of the
swimmer roster. All swimmer specific information is entered and
maintained here.
3. Add or Modify Event Results
This entry is for the event data within a meet. The meet
and the swimmers must be defined before the events can be
4. Swim Meet Management
This selection will present a secondary menu which accesses
the various meet management functions. These functions are
detailed under the Swim Meet Management heading.
Page 31
5. View or Print Reports
This item displays the report menu which allows the
selection of several different reports concerning the data
entered in the previous menu items.
6. Audit DataBase Structures
This selection will preform an integrity check on the
database for the currently active season. This is the same
check that is run when the season is first selected if the
'SKIP DB Audit' default is set to N.
7. Change Season Information
This selection will allow any of the information that is
entered when the season was created to be changed with the
exception of the season name. Once created the season name
cannot be changed. Note that if you are trying to move from one
year to the next you shouldn't change the last year's season
data but create a new season and then import the previous
year's swimmer data.
8. View Season Information
This selection will display the data entered when the
season was created along with 2 additional fields, Number of
Meets defined and Number of Swimmers. These 2 fields represent
the actual number of meets that have been defined in the Meet
SetUp Menu and the number of swimmers entered in the Swimmer
SetUp Menu.
9. Modify Event Definitions
This selection will present a subset of the 'Opening Menu',
'Modify Events and Age Grps' menu with one additional
selection, 'Preset Points'.
Page 32
Meet Menus and Forms
/==== 08/22 15:57:25 ===\
| |
| SwimBase |
| Meet SetUp Menu |
| Active Season |
| --> TEST0123 <-- |
| |
| Add Data for New Meet |
| Change Existing Meet |
| Delete Existing Meet |
| View Existing Meet |
| Export Meet Data |
| Import Meet Data |
| Return to Main Menu |
Meet Setup Menu
This menu is accessed from the Main Menu and controls the entry
of Meet data. The Meet data refers to the basic meet itself, not
the results of the events within the meet. There are 6 selections
1. Add Data for New Meet
This item will allow the definition of a new meet. When
this is selected a form will appear in which you will enter the
pertinent data about the meet. That form and the required
entries are described in the Meet Entry Form.
2. Change Existing Meet
This selection will allow changes to be made to an existing
meet. You will be presented a Meet Select Requester from which
you will select which meet to change and then a prefilled meet
entry form will appear. Make the desired changes in this form.
3. Delete Existing Meet
This entry is used to remove a meet. The Meet Select Requester
will allow you to choose which meet to remove. When this is
done all event data for that meet will also be removed.
4. View Existing Meet
The item will allow you to review the previously defined
meets. See the View Meet Data Form for details about the fields
Page 33
5. Export Meet Data
This item is used to copy the results of a single meet to
a floppy disk in preparation for transferring the data to a
SwimBase database residing on another PC.
6. Import Meet Data
This item is the companion to the preceding entry and will
read the files created by the Export process to update a
SwimBase database residing on another PC.
/========== Enter Meet Data == Press F1 for Help ==========\
| |
| Meet date : __/__/__ Meet type (A, B, or T) : _ |
| |
| Location : __________________ |
| |
| Opponent Name : __________________ |
| |
| Pool Measured in Meters? : N |
| |
| |
Meet Entry Form
This is the form used to enter or change meet data. The field
descriptions are as follows:
1. Meet date
The date of the meet in Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YY) form.
This date will become part of the Meet Select Requester and
will appear on any reports about this meet. If you select an
Age Basis of 'M' then this is the date that the swimmers' ages
and age groups will be based on.
2. Meet type (A, B, or T)
Determines if this meet is a 'A' team meet, 'B' team or 'T'
for time trial. These entries are used during report generation
for point generation and separation. This also appears on the
Meet Select Requestor.
3. Location
This is the location of the meet. This is informational
only and will appear on any reports about this meet.
4. Opponent
This is the name of the opposing team in a meet. This entry
will also become part of the Meet Select Requestor.
Page 34
5. Pool Measured in Meters?
This field is used to indicate rather this meet is held in
a pool that is measured in meters or yards. Enter Y if the pool
is meters.
After all the fields are completed a requestor will appear
asking that you verify your desire to enter this meet. Answer Y to
confirm or N or press ESC to cancel the addition.
/==== 08/23 10:01:34 ===\
| |
| Select Active Meet |
| Type Opponent Date |
| |
| A HILLANDALE 06/16/90 |
| B TANTERA 06/20/90 |
| A CEDARBROOK 07/14/90 |
| Cancel Select Meet |
| |
Meet Select Requestor
This requestor is used by several other menu items to allow the
choice of a particular meet. A list of all meets is presented and
you can select any meet or cancel the operation by either selecting
Cancel Select Meet or pressing the ESC key. The action taken after
selecting a meet will depend on what menu you were in when this
menu appeared. The list of meets will be sorted by date and if more
than 12 meets exist then selections for next page and last page
will be included.
/=================== Swim Meet Data =======================\
| |
| Meet date : 06/16/90 Meet type (A, B, or T) : A |
| |
| Location : HILLANDALE________ |
| |
| Opponent Name : HILLANDALE________ |
| |
| Swimmers Competing : _63 Events Entered : 152 |
| Times 1st : _21 2nd : _28 3rd : _36 4th : _24 |
| Times DNP : _43 Total Points : _285 |
| Points per Event : 1.875_ Time per Event : 0:57:64 |
| |
| Press Any Key |
View Meet Data Form
This form will summarize the information for a single meet. The
data contained here is duplicated in the Meet Summary Report. Refer
to the reports section of this manual for definitions of the fields
contained in this form.
Page 35
/======= *** Export Meet for DataBase Merge Operation *** =======\
| |
| The process you have selected will copy the Meet |
| information for one Meet from the Database on this PC |
| to a floppy to merge with the Database on another PC. |
| |
| Please see the Users Manual for complete details. |
| |
| /============\ |
\======================| Continue | ==========================/
|with Export |
| Yes |
| No! |
Export Meet Requestor
| Export Drive |
| A: |
| B: |
| C: |
| D: |
| E: |
| Cancel |
Export Meet Drive Selector
Import Meet Drive Selector
/======= *** Import Meet for DataBase Merge Operation *** =======\
| |
| The process you have selected will copy the Meet |
| information for one Meet into the Database on this PC |
| from a floppy generated on another PC. |
| |
| Please see the Users Manual for complete details. |
| |
| /============\ |
\======================| Continue | ==========================/
|with Import |
| Yes |
| No! |
Import Meet Requestor
These menus are used to control the Import and Export
processes. These can be used when it is necessary or useful to
enter meet results on more that one PC and then combine the results
into a single data base.
Page 36
This could be used when the Team may split into separate groups
or by gender for the actual meets and the data keepers for each
group have their own PC either at the meets or input the data
While it is possible to use these functions to combine multiple
meets into one meet on the same PC the process flow will describe
the steps necessary to enter data on 2 PCs and then move the data
from PC 'B' to PC 'A' inorder to have a complete database on PC
Import/Export Process Flow
The first step is to install the SwimBase program on 2 PCs. For
simplicity, the program should be installed in the same directories
and drives on both PCs. Please observe the program license
restrictions when using SwimBase on multiple computers.
One PC should be considered the 'Primary' , the other the
'Secondary' for this process. The individual swimmer data should be
entered and kept updated on the primary PC. When it is time to use
the secondary PC this swimmer database must be copied from the
primary. There are 2 simple ways to accomplish this task. If you
are familiar with the DOS XCOPY command you can copy the SEASON
subdirectory from the primary PC to the secondary PC (be sure to
use the XCOPY /s option). The other method is to use the SwimBase
ARCHIVE process to archive the swimmer data to a floppy and then
use the ARCHIVE process on the secondary PC to restore this data.
The swimmer data (files SWIMMER.DTA and SSWIMMER.DTA) must be
identical for the import and export processes to work.
When the swimmer data is properly loaded onto the secondary PC
you can then define the meet that you will be using. If you use the
XCOPY command it is possible to copy all the meet data along with
the swimmer data.
Enter the data onto the secondary PC as you normally would,
either directly through the event data entry screens or through the
meet management functions. When you are complete then use the
EXPORT selection to copy the data to a floppy disk. Select EXPORT,
then select the floppy that you will be using to transport the
data, now select the meet to EXPORT. At this point the meet data
will be copied to your floppy disk.
Transport the EXPORT floppy to the primary PC and select
IMPORT, select the IMPORT floppy drive, select the name of the meet
that was exported from the secondary PC, then the meet on the
primary PC to receive the exported data. You can decide to import
only selected genders or age groups. The data will now be moved
into the meet selected.
Page 37
/=======Database Audit In Progress=======\
| |
| Please Wait |
| |
DataBase Audit
This window will appear whenever a Season is selected. While
this window is present the system is checking the integrity of the
database. The Meets and Swimmer Databases are checked for range and
reasonableness. If no errors are found then the window will close
after a few seconds. If a Swimmer error is encountered you will be
given an opportunity to edit the swimmer record.
Generally, Meet errors are not correctable and Swimmer errors
are correctable. The best course of action in response to any error
is to restore the archived season data. (You did archive your data
didn't you?)
Page 38
Swimmer Menus and Forms
/===== 08/22 15:57:32 ====\
| |
| SwimBase |
| Swimmer SetUp Menu |
| Active season |
| --> TEST0123 <-- |
| |
| Add Data for New Swimmer |
| Change Data for Swimmer |
| Delete Data for Swimmer |
| Display Data for Swimmer |
| Age Up Swimmer Data |
| Return to Main Menu |
Swimmer Setup Menu
This menu is accessed from the main menu and controls the entry
of swimmer data. All data specific to an individual swimmer is
entered or modified through this menu.
1. Add Data for New Swimmer
This selection is used to add a new swimmer to the data
base. See the Swimmer Entry Form for an explanation of each
field. The program keeps track of each swimmer by assigning a
number to the swimmer upon entry into the program. This number
is selected by the program and will be used during other entry
processes to refer back to this swimmer. The program is limited
to 511 swimmers in any given season.
2. Change Data for Swimmer
This selection is used to change any data about a swimmer.
You will select which swimmer to change from the swimmer
selection requestor.
3. Delete Data for Swimmer
This selection will delete a swimmer from the data base.
You will select which swimmer to delete from the swimmer
selection requestor. If any event results have been entered for
the swimmer then they will be deleted along with the swimmer.
4. Display Data for Swimmer
This selection allows you to review the swimmer data. One
swimmer at a time will be displayed in the data entry form. You
can not edit the data in this form.
Page 39
5. Age Up Swimmer Data
This selection will recalculate the age and age group for
each swimmer. The date used as the basis for this recalculation
will be determined by what value was entered in the 'Age Basis'
field in the Season Data requestor. If 'M' was selected then
you will select a Meet and the swimmers' age will be set to the
start date of that meet. If 'C' was selected then the age will
be set relative to the current system date. If 'J' was selected
then the age will be relative to July 1st of the year set in
the Season Start date. If 'F' was selected then the age will be
set relative to the date set for the AgeUp Date.
/===== Enter Data for Swimmer == Press F1 for Help ===========\
| |
| Last : ____________ First : _____________ MI : _ |
|Birth date: __/__/__ Sex(M/F): _ Age: 0_ Group: 0 Team: _ |
|ID Info ________________ |
| |
| Telephone Numbers : |
|Home: (___) ___-____ Altn: (___) ___-____ Emer: (___)___-____|
| |
| Mother's Name : Work Phone |
|Last: ________________First: ________________ (___) ___-____ |
| |
| Father's Name : Work Phone |
|Last: ________________First: ________________ (___) ___-____ |
| |
| Address : _________________________________ |
| City : _____________ State : __ Zip Code : __________ |
| |
| Fee Paid : $______ Swimmer Number : ___ |
| |
| |
| |
Swimmer Entry Form
This form is used to enter or modify swimmer data. The field
definitions are as follows:
1. Last
This is the swimmer's last name.
2. First
This is the swimmer's first name.
3. MI
This is the swimmer's middle initial.
Page 40
4. Birth Date
This is the swimmer's date of birth.
5. Sex (M/F)
This is the swimmer's sex. F for female or M for male.
6. Age
This is the swimmer's age relative to the date selected by
the Age Basis field in the season setup. If this field is left
blank during data entry then it will be calculated by the
program. If data is entered that conflicts with the calculated
value then a requestor will ask confirmation of the entered
data. The date for the first meet used in this calculation is
the First Meet Date field entered on the Season Definition
7. Group
This is the swimmer's age group. This field will be
calculated by the program if left empty during data entry. If
the data entered conflicts with the calculated data then a
requestor will ask confirmation of the entered data.
8. Team
This is the team that this swimmer will be competing on.
The available selections are A, B, T or leave the entry blank.
This field is used for several reports to allow just the
swimmers for a particular meet (team) to be printed.
9. ID Info
This is any additional information about the swimmer that
you would like to retain. A student id number or SS number are
some possibilities.
10. Telephone Numbers
These are the home, alternate and emergency telephone
numbers for the swimmer.
11. Mother's Name and work phone
These are the mother's last and first names and work telephone
12. Father's Name and work phone
These are the father's last and first names and work telephone.
13. Address
This is the swimmer's street address.
Page 41
14. City
This is the swimmer's city.
15. State
This is the swimmer's state.
16. Zip Code
This is the swimmer's zip code.
17. Fee Paid
This is the fee paid by this swimmer.
18. Swimmer Number
This is the swimmer number as assigned by the program. This
number can not be changed by the user and will remain
permanently assigned to this swimmer. A Listing of the assigned
numbers can be obtained in the Swimmer List report.
/= F1 HELP === 08/22 15:58:36 \
| Select Swimmer Name No. |
| Anderson, Betsy 1 |
| Anderson, Dan 2 |
| Bolt, Laura 3 |
| Bolt, Lindsay 4 |
| Bostill, Catherine (P7) 5 |
| Bostill, Maura 45 |
| Bost, Chistopher 67 |
| Bost, Matthew 68 |
| Pullough, Jimmy 69 |
| Pullough, Mandi 70 |
| View Last Page |
| View Next Page |
| Cancel Select swimmer |
Swimmer Select Requestor
This requestor will appear any time it is necessary to select
a single swimmer by the swimmer's name. Both the swimmers name and
number are displayed. There are cases where the swimmers number is
used to identify the swimmer. The Swimmer List report can be used
for a full listing of each swimmers' number.
/========== Time Calculator ==========\
| |
| Time : 01:23:14 Operation : + |
| Divisor : __ |
| |
| Last Result : 02:46:28 |
Page 42
Time Calculator
The time calculator can be accessed from any menu by pressing
ATL/C (press the letter C while holding down the ALT key). You can
use it to do simple time addition, subtraction and division.
Pressing ESC when no times have been entered or when the calculator
has been cleared will return to the menu that you entered the
calculator from. Pressing ESC when there is data in the calculator
will clear the calculator. Pressing the up arrow key will move the
Last Result to the Time field. Leave the Operation field blank to
move the Time to the Last Result field. The range of times that can
be used are 00:00:00 to 59:59:99 Minutes:Seconds:Hundreds.
To ADD you will enter the first time into the Time field and +
into the Operation field. The first time will be moved to the Last
Result field, you will now enter the next time into the Time field
and press Enter on the Operation field to add the two times.
To SUBTRACT enter the time to be subtracted from into the Time
field and press Enter on the Operation field. This will move the
first number to the Last Result field. Now enter the number to be
subtracted into the Time field and - into the Operator. The Last
Result field will now have your result.
To DIVIDE enter the time to be divided into the Time field and
enter / into the operator. You will be prompted for a divisor.
Enter any number from 2 to 99. The Last Result field will now have
your result.
Page 43
Meet Results Menus and Requestors
/= F1 HELP === 08/22 15:57:37 \
| |
| SwimBase |
| Meet Results Menu |
| Active season |
| --> TEST0123 <-- |
| |
| Add Individual Event Results |
| Change Individual Results |
| Delete Individual Result |
| Review Individual Results |
| Calculate Best Times |
| Return To Main Menu |
Meet Results Menu
This menu is used to enter or modify the meet event results.
All the meet event results are entered through this menu. The first
step in using any selection within the menu will be to select a
meet from the Meet Select Requestor.
1. Add Individual Event Results
This selection is used to enter new data for the results
of an event. The Event Entry Form will be used for the input of
the event data. See the Event Entry Form for details.
2. Change Individual Results
This selection is used to change the results of an event
that has already been entered.
3. Delete Individual Result
This will delete an event result.
4. Review Individual Results
This selection will display the event results individually.
5. Calculate Best Times
This selection will compute what a swimmer's best time was
for each event they have competed in and what date it was swam
and also what the most recent time was and the date it
occurred. See the 'Best Time Report Menu' for a more
comprehensive explanation of the Best Time calculations and
Page 44
/======== Enter New Data for Event == Press ESC to EXIT =======\
| |
| Swimmer Number : ________ |
| |
| Event Number : 15 |
| |
| Time : _:__:__ Status : F Finishing Place : __ |
| |
| |
| |
Event Entry Form
This form is used to enter the results for a single event
within a single meet.
1. Swimmer Number
This is either the number of the swimmer or a partial name.
Use the 'Swimmer List' report from the Swimmer Roster Reports
to get an alphabetical listing of the swimmer's with their
numbers. The swimmer's name will be displayed after entry for
Data entry into this field can consist of either the
swimmer's number, up to the first 8 characters of the swimmer's
last name or the swimmer's last and first initial separated by
a space. If enough characters are entered to select only a
single swimmer then the swimmer's name will be selected. If
more than one matches then a selector is presented with each
possibility. If you enter nothing then a requestor with all
swimmers will be presented.
As an example, for a swimmer named Harry Johmson who is
swimmer number 86 you could enter the number '86', 'johm' from
Harry's last name or 'J H' for Harry's initials.
2. Event Number
This is the Event number as defined during event
definition. See 'Modify Event Definitions' in the Opening Menu
for a listing of the events. This will default to the last
event entered. If you do not wish to change it then just press
enter. The event name will be displayed after the event number
is entered for verification.
3. Time
This is the time for the event in minutes, seconds and
hundredths of seconds. If the time you are entering is less
that 1 minute you must enter 0 or 00 for the minutes field
depending on the course time selection.
4. Status
There are 6 different statuses allowed. 'F' is used for a
successful finish with no qualifiers. 'S' is a successful
Page 45
finish for a Substitute swimmer. 'E' is a successful finish by
a swimmer in the event for 'Exhibition'. 'T' is for a Tie. The
points are awarded for a tie based on the point total of 2
places divided in half, as an example a 1st place tie would be
the 1st and 2nd place points divided by 2 . Only 2 way ties are
allowed. 'N' is for a No show and 'D' is for a
5. Finishing Place
This is the swimmer's actual finishing place. Places 0
through 99 are tracked. A place of 0 is used for cases where
there was no finish (a disqualification for example) or when
the swimmer wasn't actually a competitor against the other
swimmer (swimming exhibition). Places 1 through 16 can be used
to calculate points. The number that actually calculate points
is set during the Event Definition Setup. The remaining places
are kept for informational purposes only. The true place
numbers (0 - 99) will appear on certain reports. The point
calculations would be the same if 0 was used for all cases that
the swimmer finished out of the points.
/============= Enter New Relay Leg Results ====================\
| |
| Sw1 : 2____ Brittany Prety Stroke : Free___ Time : _:__:__ |
| Sw2 : _____ Stroke : _______ Time : _:__:__ |
| Sw3 : _____ Stroke : _______ Time : _:__:__ |
| Sw4 : _____ Stroke : _______ Time : _:__:__ |
| |
Relay Leg Entry Form
If the event entered in the Event Entry Form is either of the
relay type events then this form will open to allow entry of the
four relay split times. You will enter the swimmer for each leg and
the stroke and time for the leg. A submenu will appear for the
stroke selection so you can pick from a list of the strokes. This
data will be retained and included in the various reports.
Page 46
Swim Meet Management Menus and Requestors
/ F1 HELP 12/29 13:30:54 =\
| Swim Meet Entry Menu |
| |
| Add or Edit Meet Entries |
| Enter Times and Results |
| Delete Meet Entry Sheet |
| Score Meet Entry Sheet |
| Swimmer Entry Report |
| Event Entry Report |
| Print Meet Entry Sheet |
| Prepare Event Entry Cards |
| Prepare Meet Ribbons |
| Save Entries to Database |
| Audit Meet Entry Sheet |
| Exit Meet Entry Menu |
Swim Meet Management Menu
This menu is used to access the meet management functions of
SwimBase. The functions preformed here differ in several ways from
the rest of the SwimBase program. The most important difference to
keep in mind is that data and results entered in a Meet Entry Sheet
are not updated into the main SwimBase Event and Swimmer databases
until the 'Save Entries to DataBase' selection is picked.
The data in the meet entry sheet can be added to, changed or
deleted with no effect on the main database until that selection is
used. Once it is selected then any changes in the meet entry sheet
are not reflected in the main database unless 'Save Entries to
Database' is selected again. Note that certain changes and
deletions in the Meet Entry Sheet will not be correctly posted on
the second or subsequent saves. Be sure the data in the Meet Entry
Sheet is final before saving.
Another significant difference is that data from the other team
competing in a dual meet can be entered and their scores calculated
or reports generated.
1. Add or Edit Meet Entries
This selection is used to begin or continue the process of
setting up a individual Meet Entry Sheet. The first step is the
calculation of a swim team ladder. If one does not exist the
program will generate one and save it to disk. If it does
exist, you will have the option of recalculating it. If you
have added meet results since the last time an Meet Entry Sheet
was defined then you should recalculate.
The second step is to produce a Swimmer Best Times report.
This will follow the same steps as the swim team ladder. After
Page 47
this is completed you will select the meet for which you are
building the Entry Sheet. The meet must be defined before the
Entry Sheet can be completed.
The next step involves completing the Meet Entry
Information sheet. If the information sheet exists you will
have the option to edit it or continue to the individual event
sheets. See the Entry Information Sheet Form for details on the
required and optional data.
The final step in preparing the entry sheet is to select
the swimmers for each event and, optionally, heat. Each event
can have up to 4 heats. You will select each event and schedule
the swimmers. You can input just your teams' members or if you
have the information you can also enter the other teams' names.
See the Schedule Swimmers Entry Form for details.
2. Enter Times and Results
This selection is used during or after the meet to enter
the results of each event. The swimmers' time, status and,
optionally, place and points are entered. See the Update
Swimmers Entry Form for details.
3. Delete Meet Entry Sheet
This selection will remove all the files associated with
a single meets' entry sheet. If the Save Entries to Database
selection has been used then the swimmers' data will remain in
the main database but the Entry Sheet for this meet will no
longer be available. Each entry sheet will consist of multiple
files named ENTRYmm.eeh where mm is the meet number, ee is the
event number is hexadecimal and h is the heat number and one
file named ENRTYmm.SES. You can leave these files in the
database or archive them off to floppy disk if you prefer to
retain them.
4. Score Meet Entry Sheet
This selection will recalculate the place and points for
each swimmer in an event based on their finishing time and
status in the entry sheet and the points and scoring lanes in
the event definition file for this season or meet. It will
calculate across multiple heats for the same event. Note that
whatever place or points you entered will be overwritten.
This selection will only generate the proper results if you
have entered the information for both teams in a meet.
5. Swimmer Entry Report
This will print a detailed report for either an individual
swimmer or all swimmers showing what events with heat and lane
they are entered in and totaling the individual and team events
they will swim in for this meet. See the report itself for
Page 48
6. Event Entry Report
This selection will print a detailed report for 1 or more
events showing all data currently available, including swimmers
scheduled, lane assignments, time and finishing place. It is
similar to the Meet Entry Sheet report but does not include the
point calculations and cover sheet with officials and point
totaling. See the report itself for details.
7. Print Meet Entry Sheet
This selection will produce a complete report of the meet
entry information. It can be used as the premeet entry sheet,
to run the actual meet with swimmer names and spaces to time
and score the meets and as a final record of the meet results
after the event times are entered. See the report itself for
8. Prepare Event Entry Cards
This selection will prepare mailing labels with the
information necessary for each swimmer to know what event, heat
and lane they will be competing in for each meet. If their best
time exists it will also appear on the label to allow the
swimmer to quickly tell if their time has improved. See the
description of the label itself for complete details.
9. Prepare Meet Ribbons
This selection will prepare mailing labels with the
information necessary to prepare meet ribbons. Ribbons can be
prepared for either team and for any range of events or numbers
of finishing places. These labels differ from those available
from the 'Label Format Reports' selection in that these are
generated from the Meet Entry Sheet data.
10. Save Entries to Database
This selection will update the SwimBase swimmer and event
databases with the results entered into the Meet Entry Sheet.
Using this option is the equivalent of entering each
individuals results in the 'Event Results, Add or Modify' menu.
Before this selection is used you should insure that the
data in the Entry Sheet is final and that all names, places and
points are correct. If finishing times or places are changed
then you can use this selection a second time to update the
main databases but if a swimmer changes then the old swimmers'
results will need to be deleted from the Event menu.
11. Audit Meet Entry Sheet
This selection will verify and if necessary correct the
meet entry sheet files. When selected you will pick the meet
Page 49
that you which to validate and then each event will be
recalculated for the proper swimmer assignments, lanes and
number of events entered and the master entry file will be
updated as appropriate.
If you receive a message that says "Swimmer already
entered" for an event and this is not the case use this
selection to resolve the problem.
/======= Swimmer Ladder Results ========\
| |
| Swimmer Ladder Results File |
| already exists. |
| Recalculate Ladder Results? Y/N [N] |
| |
| |
Swim Ladder Request
Select 'Y' if swimmer results have been entered since the last
time you created a new Meet Entry sheet. This will not produce any
output to the screen or printer but will save multiple files named
LADDER.nnn on the data disk which will be accessed by other
processes during the development of the meet entry sheets and
/======= Swimmer Best Times ========\
| |
| Swimmer Best Times File |
| already exists. |
| Recalculate Best Times? Y/N [N] |
| |
| |
Best Times Request
Select 'Y' if swimmer results have been entered since the last
time you created a new Meet Entry sheet. This will not produce any
output to the screen or printer but will save a file named
SWIMMER.BST on the data disk which will be accessed by other
processes during the development of the meet entry sheets and
Page 50
/== Update or Change Entry Sheet Parameters ? ==\
| |
| Change Number of lanes, or |
| other meet parameters? |
| Change Current Entry Parameters Y/N [N] |
| |
| |
Entry Sheet Parameters Request
Select 'Y' if you wish to change the parameters and global data
for a meet such as the number of lanes or names of meet officials.
/================= Enter or Update Information for Entry Sheet ===============\
| Heading : Test_Swim_Meet_Management_______________ |
| Home Name : Calverton _____________ Visitor Name : Silver Spring_________ |
| Home Team (Y/N) ? : Y Number of Lanes (6,8,10) : 6_ |
| Ind Events (1-16) : 3_ Team Events (1-16) : 3_ Pool Length : 25_Meters_ |
| Home Lanes : 4_ : 6_ : 2_ : __: __ Visitor : 3_ : 5_ : 1_ : __ : __ |
| Official Title Name Name |
| : Referee_________________ : Joe_Hilel_____________ : Tom Ducan____________ |
| : Starter_________________ : Bob Bailey____________ : _____________________ |
| : Time_Recorder___________ : Mary Fernandez________ : Beth Daily___________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Chief_Timer_____________ : Sally Sart____________ : Jonny Johnson________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Stroke_and_Turn_Judges__ : Tom Tully_____________ : John Tully___________ |
| : Sam Sutter____________ : Jim Gibbs____________ |
| : Team_Representatives____ : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Relay_Take_Off_Judges___ : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Clerk_of_Course_________ : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Asst._Clerk_of_Course___ : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : Coaches_________________ : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
| : ______________________ : _____________________ |
Meet Entry Parameter Form
This form is used to enter the global data for a meet entry
sheet. The field descriptions follow.
1. Heading
The text enter here will appear at the top of each page of
the Meet Entry Sheet. Optional field.
2. Home Name
This is the name of the home team as it will appear in all
meet entry reports. Note that this is the home team, not
necessarily your team. Required field.
Page 51
3. Visitor Name
This is the name of the visiting team as it will appear in
all meet entry reports. Required field.
4. Home Team (Y/N)
Select Y if you are the home team at this meet, N if you
are the visitor. This is used to determine which lanes your
team will be swimming in. Required field.
5. Number of lanes
This is the number of lanes in the pool that can be
assigned for this swim meet. The available options are 6, 8 or
10. Required field.
6. Ind Events
This is the number of individual events that any single
swimmer can be entered in. This is not strictly enforced but
some warning messages will appear if this value is exceeded.
Required field.
7. Team Events
This is the number of team (relay) events that any single
swimmer can be entered in. This is not strictly enforced but
some warning messages will appear if this value is exceeded.
Required field.
8. Pool Length
This the length of the pool. This data will appear on the
Meet Entry from but is not used for any calculations. Optional
9. Home Lanes
This is the numbers of the lanes that the home team will
swim in the seeded order. If the home team gets lanes 1, 3 and
5 and the top seed swims in lane 3 then enter 3, 5, 1. Required
10. Visitor
This is the numbers of the lanes that the visiting team
will swim in the seeded order. If the visiting team gets lanes
1, 3 and 5 and the top seed swims in lane 3 then enter 3, 5, 1.
Required field.
11. Official Title : Name : Name
These 3 columns are used to list the meet officials. The
first column is the title and the next 2 are the names. The
titles have default values but can be changed or blanked out.
This information is printed on the cover sheet of the meet
entry sheet. Optional fields.
Page 52
/LN SW# Swimmer Name ==================== Home Team Lane Calverton \
| 1 Roberta_Dunn___________________ |
| 2 _20 Michelle_Chambliss_____________ |
| 3 Nancy_Quinn____________________ |
| 4 _18 Stephanie_Casper_______________ |
| 5 Renee_Roland___________________ |
| 6 _23 Kristin_Clanton________________ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
\=========== Event 17 17 - Girls 8 & U 25M Backstroke Heat #1 ========/
/LD# SW# Swimmer Name Time Date PL Age IE TE Scd=========\
| 1 20 Michelle Chambliss 00:23:45 05/25/92 1 7 1 0 Y |
| 2 18 Stephanie Casper 00:23:45 06/12/92 1 7 1 0 Y |
| 3 19 B. Chambliss 00:24:45 06/12/92 2 8 1 0 Y |
| 4 21 Stephenie Chan 00:26:45 06/12/92 4 7 0 0 N |
| 5 22 S. Chan 00:27:45 06/12/92 5 7 1 0 N |
| 6 23 Kristin Clanton 00:28:45 06/12/92 6 8 0 0 N |
| 7 24 Becky Conover 00:29:45 06/12/92 7 7 0 0 N |
| 8 25 Jerri Conover 00:30:45 06/12/92 8 7 0 0 N |
| 9 26 Michel Conover 00:31:45 06/12/92 9 8 0 0 N |
|10 27 Chris Curry 00:32:45 06/12/92 10 8 0 0 N |
\========== Swim Team Ladder for 17 - Girls 8 & U 25M Backstroke =======/
Schedule Swimmers Entry Form
This pair of forms will appear as each event and heat is
scheduled from the Create Entry Sheet menu. The top window is where
you will enter the swimmer information. The bottom is the data from
the swim team ladder that will help you in your selection.
The top border of the top window shows the field headers (lane
(LN), swimmers number (SW#) and Swimmers Name) on the left and
which teams' lane the cursor is on to the right. The bottom border
shows which event and heat is being scheduled.
During input you will use the swimmers number if the swimmer
being scheduled is from your team or just a return or 0 if the
swimmer is from the other team. The swimmer's name will be
automatically populated for your team and you must enter it for the
other team. If the swimmers age is not correct for the event you
will receive a warning window. To make this most useful you should
run a Swimmer AgeUp before scheduling the meet.
The bottom window shows the swim team ladder for this event.
The first 30 entries are available by pressing the down or up arrow
key to scroll forward or back 10 at a time. The top border shows
the field descriptions. They are:
1. LD#
This is the swimmers relative position in the ladder.
Page 53
2. SW#
This is the swimmer number to be used to schedule the
swimmer. This field will only appear for the lanes that the
swimmers from your team will be in, it will be blank for the
other team. You can enter the swimmer by entering the swimmers'
number, the first 1 to 3 characters of the swimmers' last name
or the swimmers' last initial a space and the first initial. If
the swimmers' partial last name or initials are shared by
another member of the team then a swimmer pick list will be
3. Swimmer Name
The swimmers name.
4. Date
This is the date that the swimmer set the time that is in
the ladder.
5. Time
This is the swimmers top time in this event.
6. PL
This is the finishing place that the swimmer received for
this time.
7. Age
This is the swimmers age as determined by the most recent
Swimmer AgeUp.
8. IE
This is the number of individual events that this swimmer
is scheduled for in this meet. The Scoring Basis (TYP in
reports) field in the Event definition determines if an event
is considered individual or team. TYP of 'I' or 'B' will
increment this field. a TYP of 'T' will increment the 'TE'
9. TE
This is the number of team events that this swimmer is
scheduled for in this meet. This is incremented if the event
scoring basis (TYP) is 'T'.
10. Sch
This will be set to Y if this swimmer is already scheduled
for this event. It is useful when scheduling multiple heats to
see if this swimmer is already in this event.
Page 54
|Entry Sheet|
| Yes |
| No! |
Auto Schedule Request
This requestor will appear the first time a Event/heat
combination is entered. If Yes is selected the program will attempt
to schedule the swimmers for your team in this event. It will use
the seeded lane order and pick the first 3, 4 or 5 swimmers
depending on the number of lanes available from the swim team
It will take into account the maximum number of events each
swimmer is allowed and their current age group. If a swimmer is in
the ladder but has aged out of the age group they will not be
scheduled. It schedules one event and heat at a time and the events
can be done in any order.
If there are no swimmer in the ladder that qualify for this
event then no action will be taken.
/LN SW# Swimmer Name Time Status Place Points=======\
| 1 12 Chris Blick 0:42:13 F _2 _6.0 |
| 2 0 Joe Lane2 0:44:12 F _4 _2.0 |
| 3 34 Christine French 0:43:11 F _3 _4.0 |
| 4 0 Joe Lane4 _:__:__ _ __ __._ |
| 5 42 Meghan Hampton _:__:__ _ __ __._ |
| 6 0 Joe Lane6 _:__:__ _ __ __._ |
Update Swimmers Entry Form
This form is used to enter the results for the swimmers entered
in a event. It is accessed through the Update Meet Entry Sheet menu
selection. The field descriptions are as follows:
1. LN
This is the lane that this swimmer was in.
2. SW#
This is the swimmer's number if the swimmer is from your
team or 0 for the other team.
3. Swimmer Name
This is the swimmer's name.
4. Time
Page 55
This is the time for this swimmer.
5. Status
This is the finishing status for this swimmer. These values
are the same as those used in the event data input form.
6. Place
This is the finishing status for this swimmer. This field
will be calculated by the program if you select the 'Score Meet
Entry Sheet' selection.
7. Points
This is the points for this finishing place as calculated
from the event definition file.
The first time a finishing place is input this field will
be automatically calculated. After it is calculated the program
will only change it if you select 'Score Meet Entry Sheet' or
manually override the point value. If the place is later
changed the point value will not be automatically updated.
/==================Note for Event 6 ==================\
| |
| Card Note : ___________ |
| |
/=================== Review Label ====================\
| Barbara A. Wahl |
| 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle |
| Ev: 6 Ht: 1 Ln: 1 AT 6pm |
| BestTime BestDate LastTime Date |
| 00:43:21 05/25/92 03:54:05 07/07 |
| |
| |
| Print Label ? <Y>es, <N>o, <D>on't ask. |
Meet Entry Card Forms
These 2 forms are used during the preparation of meet entry
cards. The first form allows the entry of a short note that will
appear on each entry card. If the note is used you will be prompted
for a new note for each event. You can disable the note by blanking
it out on the first event.
The second form shows the entry card. It contains the swimmers
name, the event, the heat number, if required, the lane, the note
and the swimmer best and last time and date. You can select Y to
print this label, N to skip it or D to stop asking and print all
the labels. This label can be sent to either your printer or to a
comma delimited file named 'ENTRYCRD.CDF".
Page 56
/=================== Review Label ====================\
| Barbara A. Wahl Placed 2nd |
| Ev: 6 in 00:23:51 on 05/25/92 |
| 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle |
| Swimming for: Calverton |
| Against: Silver Spring |
| |
| |
| Print Label ? <Y>es, <N>o, <D>on't ask. |
Meet Ribbon Forms
This form shows the meet ribbon and allows the same printing
selections as the previous label. The swimming for and against
fields will be set according to which team the labels are for.
This label can be sent to either your printer or the a comma
delimited file named 'EVENTRBN.CDF".
/============ *** Delete Meet Entry Sheet Request *** ===========\
| |
| The process you have selected will delete the Meet |
| Entry Sheet information for the individual MEET |
| you will select next from the Meet Selector. |
| |
| Please see the Users Manual for complete details. |
| |
| /============\ |
\======================| Continue | ==========================/
|Entry Delete|
| Yes |
| No! |
Entry Delete Request
This requestor will appear when Delete Entry sheet is selected.
If Yes is selected you will select which meet to remove the entry
sheet information from.
Page 57
/== 1 of 41, ESC, Up Dn Home End <G>o <P>rint <S>earch <R>epeat =\
| Swimmer Entry Report 12/30/92 19:33:48 |
| 05/25/92 Dunkirk Dunkirk |
| 1992 Test team DG Page 1 |
| Swimmer Ind Events Team Events |
| Evnum Event Heat Lane |
|Eric Attay 1 1 |
|5 5 - Boys 8 & U 25M FreeStyle 1 2 |
|3 3 - Boys Open 200M Med. Relay 1 2 |
|Lauren Austin 1 1 |
|6 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle 1 4 |
|4 4 - Girls Open 200M Med. Relay 1 4 |
|Meagan Austin 0 1 |
|4 4 - Girls Open 200M Med. Relay 1 3 |
|Chris Blick 1 0 |
|19 19 - Boys 9 - 10 25M Backstroke 1 3 |
|Stephen Brinks 1 0 |
|19 19 - Boys 9 - 10 25M Backstroke 1 5 |
|Stephanie Casper 1 0 |
|17 17 - Girls 8 & U 25M Backstroke 1 3 |
|Bob Chambliss 1 0 |
|18 18 - Boys 8 & U 25M Backstroke 1 5 |
Swimmer Entry Report
This report will list all the events that a swimmer is entered
in for this meet. It can be generated for a single swimmer or
selected by Age Group and Gender.
/== 1 of 21, ESC, Up Dn Home End <G>o <P>rint <S>earch <R>epeat =\
| Entry Event Report 12/30/92 19:34:22 |
| 05/25/92 Dunkirk Dunkirk |
| 1992 Test team DG Page 1 |
| Event Heat |
| Lane Swimmer |
|===> 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle 1 |
| 1 Barbara A. Wahl 0:23:51 F 2 |
| 2 Dana Halls 0:33:41 F 4 |
| 3 Erin Attlis 0:43:12 F 6 |
| 4 |
| 5 Lauren Aston 0:53:24 F 7 |
| 6 Tam Tall 0:55:44 F 8 |
|===> 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle 2 |
| 1 Tam Small 0:23:62 F 3 |
| 2 Ashley Brady 0:22:76 F 1 |
| 3 Jan Peters 0:31:11 D 0 |
| 4 Charline Beet 0:42:13 F 5 |
| 5 Ann Sharp 0:00:00 N 0 |
| 6 Nishe Krinski 0:23:14 E 0 |
| |
| |
Page 58
Event Entry Report
This report will show the current details of one or more events
in the meet. It will print just the lane numbers and names if
requested before event results are entered or the complete event
detail if requested afterwards.
/== 89 of 167, ESC, Up Dn Home End <G>o <P>rint <S>earch <R>epeat =\
| Northern Clavert Swimming League Page 3 |
|Home Team: Calverton Visiting Team: Silver Spring |
|Meet Date: 05/25/92 Cumulative Score: Home 42.0 Visitor 38.0 |
| Lane Swimmer Time Place Home Visitor |
|Event 6 Heat 2 6 - Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle |
| 1 TOM SMALL 00:23:62 3 3.0 |
| 2 Ashley Brady 00:22:76 1 6.0 |
| 3 JOE PETERS 00:31:11 DQ 0.0 |
| 4 Charlie Beet 00:42:13 5 1.0 |
| 5 AL SHARP NS 0.0 |
| 6 Nishe Krinski 00:23:14 EX 0.0 |
|Cumulative : Home 45.0 Visitor 45.0 Event: 3.0 7.0 |
Meet Entry Sheet
This is a part of the Meet Entry Sheet. The report will have a
cover page with the parameters and other information entered in the
Create Entry form and then as many pages as required to detail each
event that has been scheduled.
The header of each page will show the competing team names, the
date and the cumulative team scores. Each event will contain the
cumulative score and the score for that event. The HOME TEAM
swimmer names will be capitalized.
If the sheet is printed before the event data is entered it
will allow places to enter the swimmers times and finish.
If the Maximum and Minimum values are set in the event
definitions then the points will be adjusted to reflect these
Page 59
Report Menus and Requestors
/= F1 HELP === 08/22 15:57:43 \
| |
| SwimBase |
| Reports Menu |
| Active season |
| --> TEST0123 <-- |
| |
| Swim Team Roster |
| Event and Swimmer Times |
| Swimmer Places and Points |
| Label Format Reports |
| Swimmer Best Times |
| Meet Summary Report |
| Season Summary Report |
| Return To Season Main Menu |
Reports Menu
This menu accesses the reports section of the program. There
are 5 sub-menus and 2 reports available from this menu.
The 5 sub-menus are:
Swim Team Roster
Event and Swimmer Times
Swimmer Places and Points
Label Format Reports
Swimmer Best Times
And the 2 reports are:
Meet Summary Report
Season Summary Report
See the sub-menus for a description of the general
classification of each report class. The reports that are included
within each section are described with the reports themselves.
Page 60
| |
| Select Roster Type |
| |
| Full Roster |
| Name and Address |
| Home Telephone List |
| Full Telephone List |
| Swimmer List |
| IF Info List |
| Mailing Labels |
| Swim Meet Roster |
| Fee Status Report |
| Exit Roster Reports |
Roster Type Menu
This menu contains all the reports that are based on the
swimmer data entered in the Swimmer entry menu. These reports have
nothing to do with the results of the meets. See the reports
themselves for greater detail.
/===== 08/22 15:57:51 ====\
| |
| Select Time Report Type |
| |
| Swim Ladder, by Event |
| Swim Ladder, by Swimmer |
| Relay Leg Ladder, Event |
| Stroke / Distance Ladder |
| Meet Results, by Event |
| Meet Results, by Swimmer |
| Time In Water |
| Swimmer Best Times |
| Exit Time Reports |
Time Report Menu
This report menu is based on the time results of the various
events. See the actual reports for greater detail on each report.
Page 61
/= F1 HELP = 08/22 15:57:54 \
| |
| Select Place Report Type |
| |
| Team Summary |
| Swimmer Summary, 1 Swimmer |
| Swimmer Summary, Full Team |
| Swimmer Detail, 1 Swimmer |
| Swimmer Detail, Full Team |
| Relay Detail, 1 Swimmer |
| Relay Detail, Full Team |
| Exit Place Reports |
Place Report Menu
This report menu is based on the place and points finish of the
events. See the actual reports for greater detail.
| Select Label Type |
| Mailing Labels |
| Meet Ribbons |
| Meet Ribbons - Blank|
| Print Test Label |
| Exit Label Reports |
Label Format Report Menu
These reports are designed to print on 1 up, 3 1/2 by 15/16
mailing labels (Avery 4145 or equivalent) or to produce a comma
delimited file (CDF) format report.
The CDF files are intended to be imported to a user
provided database or word processing program and then
reformatted and printed. These CDF files will be left in the
season data directory and can't be accessed or used from within
SwimBase. The CDF file names are fixed and each new report will
be appended to the old unless the old is deleted first.
The file names are RIBBON.CDF for event ribbons and
MAILLBL.CDF for swimmer data. The MAILLBL.CDF file contains
almost all of the swimmers' data, not just the data that would
normally appear on a mailing label.
*** NOTE ***
The Meet Ribbons selected and generated here will differ
from those available in the Swim Meet Management menus in that
these will come from the SwimBase Meet databases whereas the
Meet Management Ribbons will come from the Meet Entry Sheets
which may or may not have been updated into the Meet database.
Page 62
The first label format report is a simple mailing label.
You have the option of entering a fixed first line of text and
then the next 3 lines will be the address information for each
The next 2 reports are meet ribbons. The first is used
after the meet data is input and will generate labels with the
swimmer, event, time, place and opponent. The second will
generate blank labels that will simplify the manual preparation
of ribbons during a meet.
The last selection will print a test label in order to test
and align your printer.
CDF file formats
These are the data elements that comprise the CDF file
formats. Note that these CDF files define the files generated
from the Label Report Menu, not those defined in the Swim Meet
Management Menu.
Any fields that are empty will be properly comma delimited, IE:
a swimmer with no middle name would appear as: FIRST,,LAST.
See the examples of the actual reports for greater detail
on the labels.
/ F1 HELP 02/16 23:38:15 =\
| |
| Select Best Time Report |
| |
| Calculate Best Times |
| Clear Best Time, All |
| Clear Best Time, Swimmer |
| Set Best Time, Swimmer |
| Best Time Report, All |
| Best Time Report, Swimmer |
| Best Time Report, Ladder |
| Exit Best Time Reports |
Best Time Report Menu
Page 63
This report menu is used to calculate, individually set or
report the best time that a swimmer has obtained in any event. It
differs from the other report menus in several ways.
These differences are:
The data to be reported can be entered or changed in this menu.
Data from past seasons can be included. If you use 'Import
Season DataBase' to bring the swimmers' data forward into this
season then the Best Times for these swimmers will be retained.
In all other reports the report data is updated as new event
results are entered. That is not the case here. After entering
event results the 'Calculate Best Times' selection will have to
be used to update the best time data.
The first four entries in this menu will be covered here, the
last 2 are in the reports section.
1. Calculate Best Times
This selection will compute what a swimmer's best time was
for each event they have competed in and what date it was swam
and also what the most recent time was and the date it
occurred. When selected you will have the choice of selecting
all meets, a single meet or a single meet type.
Once the data is calculated it is stored on disk and will
be available for later review. It is only necessary to use this
selection the first time the best time data is generated or
when new data is entered. If data is entered for a single meet
then only that meet needs to be selected when 'Calculate Best
Times' is used.
2. Clear Best Times, All
This selection will delete the best times data for all
swimmers on the team. The best time data for past seasons and
this season will be removed. This WILL NOT delete any event
results or meet data. If you are only keeping the data from a
single season then clearing the data and then recalculating for
all meets will restore the data. If you were keeping data from
past seasons then that data will be lost.
The primary use of this selection is to recreate the best
time data if there have been changes made in previously entered
event results. Remember, updating the event results does not
automatically update the best times data.
3. Clear Best Times, Swimmer
This selection has the same impact on your data as the
previous selection with the exception that it only will delete
the data for the single swimmer that you will select from the
swimmer select requestor.
Page 64
4. Set Best Time, Swimmer
This selection will allow you the set the best and last
time and date for a single swimmer. Its major use will be to
input best times that were swum in previous seasons or in meets
that are not being kept in this data base. See the 'Set Best
Times Requestor' for field descriptions.
/=================== Enter Data for BestTime ==================\
| |
| Swimmer Number : ________ |
| |
| Event Number : ____ |
| |
| BestTime : __:__:__ Best Time Date : __/__/__ |
| |
| LastTime : __:__:__ Last Time Date : __/__/__ |
| |
| |
Set Best Times Requestor
1. Swimmer Number
This is the swimmer number. See the 'Event Entry Form' for
details of the type entries allowed.
2. Event Number
This is the event number. See the 'Event Entry Form' for
details of the type entries allowed.
3. Best Time
This is the best time that this swimmer has obtained in
this event in mm:ss:hh format.
4. Best Time Date
This is the date that the swimmer swam his or her best
5. Last Time
This is the time for this swimmer the last time they swam
this event. If this field is left empty then the Last Time and
Last Date will be set to match the Best Time and Best Date.
6. Last Time Date
This is the date the last time occurred.
Page 65
| Output DEV |
| Screen |
| Printer |
| Disk File |
| Cancel |
Output Device Requestor
This requestor is used whenever a report is generated to
determine its destination. If Screen is selected then the report
will be displayed on the screen and you can scroll or page through
it or search for data. For a full description of what can be done
here see the description of the Screen Viewer. The next selection
is Printer and this will send the full report to the printer. The
final selection is to send the report to a file. You will be
prompted for a file name with an absolute or relative path name. If
you select Cancel then no report will be generated.
| |
| Enter Full or Relative Path and Filename |
| |
| Report Filename : ________________________________ |
| |
File Name Requestor
This requestor will appear in response to the selection of
'File' as the destination device for a report. You will need to
enter either a file name or a file name with a relative or absolute
path name. Some examples would be:
| Gender |
| Both |
| Male |
| Female |
| Cancel |
Gender Requestor
This requestor will appear in response to the request for
several different reports. The selection used will determine if the
Page 66
report will contain only male swimmers, female swimmers or all
swimmers. If Cancel is selected or ESC is pressed then you will be
returned to the report menu and no report will be generated.
| Select Group |
| All Groups |
| 8 & U 1 8 B |
| 9 - 10 9 10 B |
|11 - 12 11 12 B |
|13 - 14 13 14 B |
|15 - 18 15 18 B |
| Cancel |
Swimmer Age Group Selector
This selector will appear in any case that a Age Group needs to
be selected. The first selection, All Groups, will select without
regard to age group. The remaining selections will contain all
active groups (0 to 15), the group description, low age (LA), high
age (HA) and gender (G) which can be either 'B' for both, 'M' for
male or 'F' for female.
This is an example of the Group selector with the Preference
selector for 7 age groups set to N.
| Sort Order |
| Name |
| Age |
| Sex |
| Cancel |
Sort Requestor
This requestor will appear in response to the request for most
reports. The selection here will determine the order that the
report is sorted. If name is selected then the report will be in
Last name, First name order. Age will sort by age and sex will
provide female and then male order. Like all requestors, this one
can be canceled by selecting Cancel or pressing ESC.
Page 67
| Meet Select |
| All Meets |
| Meet Type |
| Single Meet |
| Cancel |
Meet Select Requestor
This requestor will appear during the generation of certain
reports to select if the report should include all meets, a
particular meet type or a single meet. If Meet Type or Single Meet
is selected then another requestor will be used to obtain your
selection of type meet or specific meet.
| Meet Type |
| A Meets |
| B Meets |
| T Meets |
| Cancel |
Meet Type Requestor
This requestor will appear during the generation of certain
reports to select the type of meet to be included in the report.
The type letter is the meet type selected when the meet was
/= F1 HELP ========= 03/06 15:00:53 \
| Swimmer Select Criteria |
| All Swimmers on Team Included |
| Only Swimmers with Event Results |
| Cancel |
Swimmer Select Criteria Requestor
Some reports can consist of all swimmers or only swimmers that
have results in the meet or meets selected. Use this selector to
choose between all swimmers or swimmers with event results.
Event Names and Numbers
All event names and numbers are user changeable with the
'Modify Event Definitions' selection in the Opening Menu. Use the
Page 68
'Modify Event Definitions' selection to view or print a list of
your event definitions.
Age Group Names and Numbers
This is a list of the predefined age groups and their
definitions. If you have elected to define your own age groups then
when you need to select a particular age group a requestor will be
generated that contains only the active age groups you have
No. Age Group
0 6 & Under*
1 8 & Under
2 9 - 10
3 11 - 12
4 13 - 14
5 15 - 18
6 15 - 16*
7 17 - 18*
* = Only available if 'Use 7 Age Groups' in the preference setup is
set to Y.
Event Group Names and Numbers
This is a list of the assignable event groups and their
No. Event Group
0 Freestyle
1 Backstroke
2 Breaststroke
3 Butterfly
4 Individual Medley
5 Free Relay
6 Medley Relay
9 Do Not Care
Page 69
The following pages contain examples of some of the reports
available. To save space these are all partial reports. The actual
report length will vary depending on the number of swimmers, meets
and events entered.
Each time a report is requested you will be prompted for the
output device to send the report to. Some notes for each device:
When a report is to be displayed on the screen an internal file
viewer is used to display the report. Once the report appears on
the screen you can move through the report by using the cursor
control keys or jumping to a line or by searching for data. The top
line always contains a list of the keys that can be used to move
around and status of what line is displayed at the top of the
screen and the total lines in the file. If the beginning of the
line is '1 of 239' then this means that line 1 is at the top of the
screen and the file is 239 lines long. If the second field is ????
then the file is over 400 lines long and the entire file has not
been read yet.
The arrow keys, Page Down and Page Up , Home and End work as
their names imply. To search for data press 'S' and then enter the
data to be searched for. To repeat the last search press 'R'. To
print the current page press 'P'. When 'P' is pressed then you
enter a concurrent printing mode that will print each new page or
line displayed until 'P' is pressed again. To print a single page
you would press 'P' twice. Press ESC at any time to exit.
One additional note about viewing reports on the screen is
necessary. The report is built in the SWIMDATA directory and could
use up to 100,000 bytes for a large report. For this reason you
should avoid using a data disk that is nearly full.
The report will be sent to the printer port or device as
selected in the default setup. The port can be changed through the
'Set or Change Defaults' selection in the opening menu. See that
selection for further details on the printer port and setup
The report will be formatted for a 80 column, 66 line page.
This is a 8 1/2 by 11 inch page with a standard size font. A
formfeed will be sent to the printer after each page.
There are 2 selections in the Default Setup that can effect the
printing. The first is the printer setup string and the second is
the selection of the extended character set. See the Default Setup
selections for more information about these 2 fields.
Page 70
Disk File
You will be prompted for a file name for the report. See the
Output Device Requestor for file naming conventions. No facilities
are provided within SwimBase to view or modify a report once it is
sent to a file. You can use FVIEW.EXE to view the report after
exiting SwimBase or by 'shelling' to DOS by entering ALT/A from any
The following rules are used to calculate the point totals on
the reports.
The point totals for each place are defined when the events
were setup with the 'Event Definition Setup'.
The number of finishers that earn points in an event are
defined with the 'Event Definition Setup'.
The points can be defined as 'Individual', 'Team' or 'Both'
which determines how the points are accumulated for reports.
Team points will not appear on individual reports.
Ties are scored by splitting the point total for the 2 tied
places between the swimmers. This is reflected in both the
swimmer and team reports. Since the tie can be with a swimmer
from the competing team fractional points are possible. 3 way
ties are not supported.
The Meet Summary and Season Summary report scoring is limited
to a maximum of points for a given event as setup with 'Event
Definitions'. If more than the maximum points are scored, such
as a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finish, then any points above the
maximum are discarded. The full points are reflected in the
individual swimmer reports.
Page 71
| Meet Summary Report 03/16/91 09:18:44 |
|Loc. : HILLANDALE Opp. : HILLANDALE Date : 06/16/90 Type : A |
|Report Includes : All Swimmers All Groups |
|Swimmers Competing : 63 |
|Times in Water : 152 |
|Times 1st : 21 |
|Times 2nd : 28 |
|Times 3rd : 36 |
|Times 4th : 24 |
|Times DNP : 43 |
|Total Points : 285 |
|Points per Event : 1.875 |
|Time per Event : 0:57:64 |
|Points per Swimmer : 4.524 |
|Events per Swimmer : 2.413 |
Meet Summary Report
This report will summarize the results of a single Meet. The
report can be generated for all swimmers and all groups or by
selected gender and/or group.
1. Swimmers Competing
The number of swimmers included in the report that were
entered in one or more events. Each swimmer will only be
counted once, regardless of the number of events they
entered. All four swimmers in a relay are counted.
2. Times in Water
This is the total number of times a swimmer was entered
in an event. The relay events as well as the individual
events count as one.
3. Times 1st
Number of first place finishes by this team. Both an
individual and relay event will count as 1.
4. Times 2nd, 3rd, 4th, nth
Number of times a swimmers finished in these places.
5. Times DNP
Times a swimmer finished in any place above those
defined as scoring places in the global event definitions
or was disqualified or no-showed.
Page 72
6. Total Points
Points earned by all team swimmers in this meet.
7. Points per Event
Total points divided by Events Entered.
8. Time per Event
Average Time in Water for each event entered.
9. Points per Swimmer
Total points divided by Swimmers Competing.
10. Events per Swimmer
Events entered divided by Swimmers Competing.
| Season Summary Report 03/16/91 09:18:50 |
|Report Includes : All Swimmers All Groups All Meets |
|Meets Summarized : 3 |
|Swimmers Competing : 94 |
|Times in Water : 380 |
|Times 1st : 62 |
|Times 2nd : 57 |
|Times 3rd : 67 |
|Times 4th : 50 |
|Times DNP : 144 |
|Total Points : 665 |
|Points per Event : 1.750 |
|Time per Event : 0:50:63 |
|Points per Swimmer : 7.074 |
|Events per Swimmer : 4.043 |
Season Summary Report
This report will summarize the results of a season. The
individual field definitions are the same as those used for the
Meet Summary Report with one addition. The Meets Summarized field
is the number of meets that this report includes data from, not the
total number of meets in the season. As with the Meet Summary
report you will be allowed to specify which age group and gender to
include in the report. You can also select all meet types or just
A, B or T meets.
Page 73
| Full Roster 08/26/90 08:43:19 |
|First Name MI Last Name Age Group Sex DOB |
| Father's Name Mother's Name |
| H Phone W Phone E Phone |
|Address |
|City St. Zip Fee |
|Betsy Anderson 7 8 & U F 11/23/82 |
|Dan Mary |
|(301) 750-3411 (000) 000-0000 (000) 000-0000 |
|12313 Benesfield Rd. |
|Olney MD 20832 0.00 |
|Dan Anderson 11 11 - 12 M 08/09/78 |
|Dan Mary |
|(301) 750-3411 (000) 000-0000 (000) 000-0000 |
|12313 Benesfield Rd. |
|Olney MD 20832 0.00 |
Full Roster Report
This report will show all the data entered about each swimmer.
The first report block will contain the various field definitions
and each following block will be the information for one swimmer.
| Swim Meet Roster 08/26/90 08:44:51 |
| Swimmer Name \ Address \ City \ST\S\Ag\ DOB \ |
|Anderson, Betsy\12313 Blenefield \Olney \MD\F\ 7\11/23/82\ |
|Anderson, Dan \12313 Blenefield \Olney \MD\M\11\08/09/78\ |
|Dane, Laura \6312 Rundown Rd. \Olney \MD\F\13\06/11/77\ |
|Dane, Lindsay \6312 Rundown Rd. \Olney \MD\F\ 9\02/23/81\ |
Swim Meet Roster
This report shows a single line of information for each
swimmer. Requestors will allow selection of all swimmers, swimmers
on a particular team (A, B or T), one or both genders or only a
single age group. By combining the available options almost any
group of the team can be printed as a single list.
Page 74
| Swimmer List 08/26/90 08:44:27 |
|Swimmer No. Swimmer Name Age Group Sex DOB |
| 1 Anderson, Betsy 7 8 & U F 11/23/82 |
| 2 Anderson, Dan 11 11 - 12 M 08/09/78 |
| 3 Dane, Laura 13 13 - 14 F 06/11/77 |
| 4 Dane, Lindsay 9 9 - 10 F 02/23/81 |
| 99 Giswell, Cathe 7 8 & U F 08/29/82 |
Swimmer List
This report shows each swimmer's number, age, group, sex and
DOB. This list is used to identify each swimmer's number for event
data entry. This list is obtained by answering NO to the Show Names
Only requestor.
| Swimmer List 03/17/91 13:23:08 |
| No. Swimmer Name No. Swimmer Name No. Swimmer Name |
| 1 Anderson, Betsy 2 Anderson, Dan 3 Balt, Laura |
| 4 Balt, Lindsay 99 Bosnett, Cathe 5 Bosnett, Maura |
| 6 Bolt, Chistopher 7 Bolt, Matthew 8 Bullroll, James |
| 9 Bullroll, Mary 10 Bullroll, Timm 11 Bunit, Matthew |
Swimmer List (Names Only)
This report shows each swimmer's number. This list is used to
identify each swimmer's number for event data entry. This list is
obtained by answering YES to the Show Names Only requestor.
/=================== Review Label ====================\
| |
| To the parents of: |
| Betsy Anderson |
| 12313 Blenefield Rd. |
| Olney, MD. 20832 |
| |
| |
| Print Label ? <Y>es, <N>o, <D>on't ask. |
Mailing Label Review Window
This window will appear when the Mailing Labels report is
selected. Each label will be displayed and you can choose to print
it by pressing 'Y', to skip it by pressing 'N' or to print them all
by pressing 'D'.
Each label will consist of a user input line of text which
defaults to "To the parents of:" on the first line and then the
swimmer's name, address, city, state and zip.
The printout is set for 1 up, 3 1/2 by 15/16 inch address
Page 75
labels. Avery Label stock number 4145 or equivalent.
| Telephone List 08/26/90 08:44:18 |
|Swimmer Name Parent's Names Age Home Phone |
|Anderson, Betsy Dan Mary 7 (301) 570-4311 |
|Anderson, Dan Dan Mary 11 (301) 570-4311 |
|Dane, Laura Timothy Dian 13 (301) 774-4935 |
|Dane, Lindsay Timothy Dian 9 (301) 774-4935 |
Telephone List
This report will list each swimmer and the swimmer's parents'
first names along with their home telephone numbers.
| Name and Address List 08/26/90 08:44:00 |
|First Name MI Last Name Age Group Sex DOB |
|Address |
|City St. Zip Fee |
|Betsy Anderson 7 8 & U F 11/23/82 |
|12313 Blenefield Rd. |
|Olney MD 20832 0.00 |
|Dan Anderson 11 11 - 12 M 08/09/78 |
|18813 Blenefield Rd. |
|Olney MD 20832 0.00 |
Name and Address List
This report shows the name, address, sex, DOB and fee paid by
each swimmer.
| Fee Status Report 08/26/90 08:45:02 |
|Swimmer Name Fee Paid |
|Anderson, Betsy 10.00 |
|Anderson, Dan 5.00 |
|Dane, Laura 10.00 |
Fee Status Report
This report will show the total fee paid by each swimmer and
the total fee collected by the team.
Page 76
| Individual Swimmer, Full Report 08/26/90 08:50:01 |
| Brown, Jimmy Age Group 11 - 12 |
| Event Name Status Time Place Points |
|Meet -> 06/16/90 HILLANDALE HILLANDALE Type = A |
|23 - Boys 11 - 12 50M Backstroke F 0:50:77 3 2 |
|31 - Boys 11 - 12 50M Breaststroke F 0:49:22 2 3 |
Individual Swimmer, Full Report
This report will show a detailed list of all the events that a
swimmer entered with their finishing place and points and a total
summary line.
| Individual Swimmer, Summary Report 08/26/90 08:47:21 |
| Brown, Jimmy Age Group 11 - 12 |
| A Meet points = 8, B Meet points = 13, T Meet points = 0 |
| 1st = 1, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 2, 4th = 0, DNP = 0 |
Individual Swimmer, Summary Report
This report will show a summary of the number of events entered
and the total points accumulated.
| Swimmer Relay Report 02/02/92 16:31:41 |
| Prety, Brittany |
|Enum Event Name Stroke Time |
|Meet -> 06/22/91 Olney Mill Rockville Type = A |
|3 Boys Open 200M Med. Relay Back 1:21:22 |
Individual Swimmer, Relay Report
This report will show the relay leg details for an individual
swimmer. The meet date, meet name, event details, stroke and split
time are included. It does not contain details for the finishing
place for this relay event or the status of the other swimmers in
this event.
Page 77
| Swim Team Finish and Point Summary 08/26/90 08:46:03 |
| Summary for All Meets |
| Swimmer Name Age Meets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th DNP Pts |
|Bolt, Chistopher 11 2 0 0 2 1 3 5 |
|Bolt, Matthew 10 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 |
|Brown, Jimmy 11 5 1 4 2 0 0 21 |
Swim Team Finish and Point Summary
This report will show the times placing and points for the
team. It can be generated for the full season or a type of meets or
for a single meet. The 'Meets' column is the number of meets this
swimmer was entered in. A single swimmer's results can span
multiple lines depending on the number of places generate points.
| Time In Water 08/26/90 08:45:52 |
| Meet Date -> 06/16/90 07/14/90 Average |
|EVENT #1 - Boys 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley |
|Swimmer 1 1:38:38 1:35:60 NS NS 1:36:99 |
|Swimmer 2 1:45:67 1:43:70 NS NS 1:44:68 |
|Swimmer 3 1:47:49 1:46:62 NS NS 1:47:05 |
|Average 1:43:84 1:41:97 NS NS 1:42:90 |
Time in Water
The Time in Water report takes the times of the first 3
finishers in each event and calculates the averages for each event,
each meet and for the entire set of selected meets. The meets to be
summarized in this report can be selected in three different
fashions by using the Select Meets requestor. The first selection
will do all meets in the season or the first ten meets if more that
10 meets are defined. The second will select the first 5 type 'A'
meets and the last will allow you to select which meets to
summarize but again with a limit of 10 meets.
NS in any field indicates that there was no result for a
swimmer in that event and place. If only 1 swimmer from this team
had a time then Swimmer's 2 and 3 will be NS. If there were 2
Swimmers then 3 will be NS. Swimmers 1, 2 and 3 aren't the swimmers
that finished in places 1, 2 and 3 but are the first 3 finishers
from this team.
Page 78
| Select Meets |
| All Meets (10 Max.) |
| First 5 A Meets |
| Custom Select Meets |
| Cancel |
Time in Water Select Requestor
/=== Meets Selected ====\
|A Rockville 06/22/91 |
|B Quail Valle 06/26/91 |
|A Stonegate 06/29/91 |
|T Time trial- 06/17/91 |
|T ALL-STAR TI 06/14/91 |
|B Upper Count 07/03/91 |
Meets selected requestors.
| Single Meet Results, by Swimmer 08/26/90 08:45:39 |
|Swimmer \ Free \ Back \Breast \ Fly \ IM \|
|Bolt, Chris 0:40:15 5\ NE \ NE \0:21:56 3\ NE \|
|Bolt, Matt \ NE 0:23:62 4\ NE \ NE \ NE \|
Single Meet Results, by Swimmer
This report shows the time and finish place for each swimmer in
a meet in the 5 event groups listed. If the swimmer has competed in
more than one event of a particular group, (EX: 2 freestyle
events), then only the highest numbered event will appear in this
report. The report is laid out by swimmer. NE stands for Not
Page 79
| Single Meet Result, by Event 08/26/90 08:45:30 |
| Swimmer Name Time Place Points |
|Event # 1 - Boys 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley |
| Lester, Michael 1:38:38 2 3 |
| Brown, Matthew 1:45:67 E 0 |
| Leshards, Raymond 1:47:49 3 2 |
| Pulman, Kevin 1:51:99 4 1 |
Single Meet Result, by Event
This report shows the results of a single meet laid out by
event order.
| Swim Team Ladder 08/26/90 08:45:13 |
| Swimmer Name Time Meet Place |
|EVENT # 1 - Boys 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley |
| 1. Lester, Michael 1:35:60 07/14/90 1 *R*A |
| 2. Rampbelt, Chris 1:39:35 06/20/90 S *A |
| 3. Pulman, Brian 1:40:34 06/20/90 0 |
| 4. Bolt, Chistopher 1:43:70 07/14/90 5 |
| 5. Newlmeyer, John 1:44:81 06/20/90 1 |
| 6. Browm, Matthew 1:45:67 06/16/90 E |
| 7. Richards, Jimmy 1:47:02 06/20/90 3 |
| 8. Richmond, Raymond 1:47:49 06/16/90 3 |
| 9. Pulman, Kevin 1:51:99 06/16/90 4 |
|10. Franlin, Neal 1:58:14 06/20/90 6 |
|11. James, Gregory 1:58:72 06/20/90 0 |
|EVENT # 2 - Girls 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley |
| 1. Hammonds, Kari 1:39:84 07/14/90 3 |
| 2. Stratizartsi, Jackie 1:45:72 07/14/90 5 |
| 3. Flesheman, Katie 1:46:80 07/14/90 6 |
| 4. Columbi, Michelle 1:49:88 06/16/90 6 |
Swim Ladder, by Event
This report shows the best finishing time of each swimmer in an
event sorted by event and finishing time. This report includes the
results of all meets in a season with the top 64 finishers.
If the swimmers result ends in *R then this time has met or
bettered the Record Time entered in the Event Definition. If it
contains *A then the AllStar time has been met or bettered.
Page 80
| Swimmer Event Ladder, Individual 06/17/91 |
| Swimmer Name |
|Enum Event Meet Time Place |
|Anderson, Betsy |
| 2 Girls 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley 06/16/90 1:11:11 T1 *R*A |
| 2 Girls 12 & U 100M Ind. Medley 06/16/90 2:12:12 3 |
| 3 Girls Open 200M Med. Relay LEG 2 Back 01:21:22 |
| 8 Girls 9 - 10 50M Med. Relay 06/16/90 0:13:10 2 |
| 8 Girls 9 - 10 50M FreeStyle 06/16/90 1:11:11 4 |
| 34 Girls 13 - 14 50M Breaststroke06/16/90 1:23:11 1 |
Swim Ladder, by Swimmer
This report shows the 2 top finishes for either an individual
swimmer or for the entire team. The report is sorted by swimmer
with all meets checked and the best 2 finishes for each event the
swimmer entered listed.
Note that the results for event 3 are not from the overall
result of that event but are a relay leg split time. This indicates
that Betsy swam leg 2 using the backstroke and her split time was
| Relay Leg Ladder 02/01/93 20:09:19
| 1992 Test team DG Page 1
| Swimmer Name Split Time Meet Date
|EVENT #3 3 - Boys Open 200M Med. Relay Freestyle
| 1. Wahl, Bobbie T. 00:12:34 02/02/93
| 2. Austin, Larry 00:23:45 02/02/93
| 3. Teel, Charlie 00:23:45 02/02/93
| 4. Rradshaw, Cayce 00:23:45 02/02/93
| 5. Buckfelder, Robert 00:23:45 02/02/93
|EVENT #3 3 - Boys Open 200M Med. Relay Backstroke
| 1. Cailley, Elliott 00:12:34 02/02/93
| 2. Teel, Daniel 00:12:34 02/02/93
| 3. Rrinks, Stephen 00:12:34 02/02/93
| 4. Casper, Stephen 00:12:34 02/02/93
| 5. Wataya, K.C. 01:11:11 02/04/93
|EVENT #3 3 - Boys Open 200M Med. Relay Breaststroke
| 1. Austin, Morgan 00:10:11 02/02/93
| 2. Cailley, Elliott 00:23:44 02/02/93
| 3. Bortun, Nishe 00:23:44 02/02/93
| 4. Yrock, Laurel 00:23:44 02/02/93
| 5. Phambliss, Bob 00:23:44 02/02/93
Relay Leg Ladder
This report will include the split times for each relay event
sorted by stroke and time. For each medley relay there will be four
sections, one for each stroke. For a free relay there will be just
Page 81
a single section. The teams finishing time and place are not
considered during the generation of this report, just the
individual split times.
| Stroke and Distance Ladder 02/02/93 04:00:52
| Distance: 25M Stroke: Freestyle
| 1992 Test team DG Page 1
| Swimmer Name Age Event Time Date
| 1. Glick, Chris 10 20 00:24:45 01/09/93
| 2. Than, Stanley 10 19 00:25:45 01/09/93
| 3. Grinks, Stephen 9 20 00:26:45 01/09/93
| 4. Conway , Brian 9 19 00:27:45 01/09/93
| 5. Conway , Jason 9 19 00:28:45 01/09/93
| 6. Tonover, Michael 9 19 00:29:45 01/09/93
| 7. Ginkel, Mary 9 19 00:35:45 01/09/93
Stroke and Distance Ladder
This ladder is generated not by any particular event but by the
gender, swimmer and event age group, distance and stroke.
The major purpose of the report is to allow the generation of
reports that combine various events and age groups. It is possible
to generate a report that will show you who are the best 100M
freestyle swimmers without having to search each individual event
and combine the results manually.
In order to generate the report you will need to select values
from 6 selection menus. The first 2, output device and gender, are
the same ones you have seen in many other reports.
The next 2 allow you to select the age groups for this report.
The first is the swimmers' age group at the time the report is
generated. If Billy swum in a 10 and Under event and then aged up
to 12 and Under a report with the Swimmer Age Group set to 10 and
Under would not include Billy. The next is the age group of the
event as set in the event definitions. In the same case with Billy
he would appear if the 10 and Under event was selected because he
did swim in it.
The last 2 select the distance and stroke for the event as set
in the event definitions.
Page 82
The relay events are not considered during the generation of
this report.
| Swimmer Best Times, All Age Groups 02/16/92 23:41:13 |
| Swimmer Name |
|Enum Event BestTime BestDate LastTime LastDate|
|Anderson, Robert |
|17 Boys 8 & U 25M Backstroke 00:34:40 07/17/91 00:34:40 07/17/91 |
|Boswell, Charleen |
|6- Girls 8 & U 25M FreeStyle 00:32:12 07/03/91 00:35:49 07/10/91 |
|18- Girls 8 & U 25M Backstk 00:31:29 07/10/91 00:31:29 07/10/91 |
|Boswell, Michael |
|8- Girls 9 - 10 50M FreeSty 00:53:93 07/03/91 00:53:93 07/03/91 |
Swimmer Best Times Report
This report is the best time and date and last time and date
for each swimmer on the team. The report will include every event
for every swimmer that has event results with 2 exceptions. It will
not include any events where the swimmer does not have a finishing
time, IE: a disqualification, and it will not include data for the
relay events if these events are setup as relays in the event
When this report is selected you will have to option of several
different sort methods and which genders and groups to include in
the report.
This same report is available for an individual swimmer also.
Custom Requirements and Enhancements
Words to Go would like to hear of any requirements that your
team or league has that are not supported by SwimBase. Depending on
the nature of the changes they may be added into the next release.
Requests for custom programming to tailor SwimBase to your
particular needs will also be evaluated.
Error Handling
The three most likely sources of errors when using SwimBase are
insufficient free disk space, insufficient free ram space and disk
hardware errors. Depending on when and where the error occurs will
determine how the error will be handled by the program. In some
cases a warning will appear that will allow you to correct the
error before continuing. When more serious errors occur the program
will forbid the offending action or force the program to exit. Some
examples with suggested corrective action follows.
Page 83
/== Insufficient Free Disk Space ==\
| |
| Disk Space Available LESS |
| than space required (143,000) |
| |
| |
| Press Return |
Disk Free Space Warning
This warning occurs if an attempt is made to create a new
season or meet on a disk with less than the required space. The
space required varies with the number of meets planned. The
corrective action is to erase some files off the disk or use a new
disk. The 'ABOUT SWIMBASE' selection can be used to gain more
information about the disk free space.
Program Directory : C:\BC\SRC\SWIM\
Data Directory : C:\SWIMDATA
Data Disk Memory Free: 3,133,440 bytes
Ram Memory Free : 249,680 bytes
Stack Memory Free : 11,898 bytes
Ram Heap Check : HEAP OK DOS Version 5.00
About Swimbase Statistics
This is a partial screen from the About SwimBase screen. The
last 4 items are of interest when trying to correct error
conditions. The disk free required to create a season or view a
large report on the screen is around 150,000 bytes. Ram memory
should remain above 100,000 bytes to view reports. Stack free
should stay above 4,000 bytes and the Heap check should always be
HEAP OK. The disk space can be corrected by erasing files off the
disk. If the last 3 fail to meet requirements then there is most
likely a conflict with a memory resident program that was loaded
before SwimBase was started.
/============= Database Audit found Errors ============\
| |
| Record #3 contains 8 errors |
| Continue running Audit or EDIT Y/N/E [N] |
| |
| |
DataBase Audit Errors
This requestor will appear if the database audit finds a
problem with the database. It is bad news, the worst, oh horror of
horrors, but seriously folks here's what we do. This could have
been caused by a disk drive error or a bad spot on your disk or a
wild write caused by a power surge. You have three possible ways to
proceed. Select N and the audit will stop here. Select Y and the
Page 84
audit will continue to the next error or until complete. Select E
and you can edit and update the offending record.
The best course of action would be to restore a previously
archived season data file. If one error is found it is possible
that others are there and the accuracy of the data could be
/============= DISK ACCESS FAILURE ============\
| |
| Error: drive not ready on Drive A: |
| Insert Proper Disk |
| Select: <A>bort, <R>etry or <I>gnore [R] |
| |
| |
Disk Access Failure
This requestor will appear if there is a problem with the disk
drives or disks themselves. The first line will indicate what the
error was and which drive was involved. The error shown is caused
by changing the data path to the A: drive when no disk is in the
drive. The proper course of action is to either correct the error
and select R or select I and then pick another drive or path.
Selection A will almost certainly cause the program to crash.
Can't View Reports
The most likely cause of this failure is insufficient free
space on the data disk. Be sure that the data directory has at
least 100,000 bytes of free disk space. This can be checked in the
About SwimBase screen.
Page 85
Words to Go warrants the physical diskette(s) and physical
documentation provided with registered versions to be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety days
from the date of registration. If Words to Go receives
notification within the warranty period of defects in materials or
workmanship, and such notification is determined by Words to Go to
be correct, Words to Go will replace the defective diskette(s) or
The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of
this Limited Warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective
diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or extend to any
claim for or right to recover any other damages, including but not
limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software, or
special, incidental, or consequential damages or other similar
claims, even if Words to Go has been specifically advised of the
possibility of such damages.
In no event will Words to Go's liability for any damages to you
or any other person ever exceed the lower of suggested list price
or actual price paid for the license to use the software,
regardless of any form of the claim.
Words to Go specifically disclaims all other warranties,
express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied
warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
Page 86
Support will be provided for a period of 90 days from the date
of purchase. This support can be obtained by phone (301-855-6427,
45 minute connect time limit), by US Mail (see address inside front
cover) or by EMail (Compuserve, 76515,1510, or Prodigy, MXVN00A).
This software is protected by United States copyright law. This
software can only be used on ONE computer at any given time. It can
be moved from one computer to another so long as it cannot be used
on more than one computer at any given time. Backup copies can be
made for archival purposes. Refer to the included document file
'LICENSE.DOC' for further information.
ASP Ombudsman
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send
a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
Definition of Shareware
This program is distributed as Shareware. Shareware
distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it.
If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are
expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some
request registration while others require it, some specify a
maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the
simple right to continue using the software to an updated program
with printed manual.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of
comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad
ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The
author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the
software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For
example, some authors require written permission before a
commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether
it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting
your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because
Page 87
the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the
ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you
don't pay for it.
Disclaimer - Agreement
Users of SwimBase must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
"SwimBase is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties,
expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties
of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author
assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which
may result from the use of SwimBase."
SwimBase is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge
to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your
friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software without high
prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to
develop new products.
If you find this program useful and find that you are using
SwimBase and continue to use SwimBase after a reasonable trial
period, you must make a registration payment of $49.00 to Donald L.
Wahl. The $49.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on
any one computer at any one time.
You must treat this software just like a book. An example is
that this software may be used by any number of people and may be
freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as
there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's
being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two
different persons at the same time.
Commercial users of SwimBase must register and pay for their
copies of SwimBase within 60 days of first use or their license is
withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting
Words to Go.
Anyone distributing SwimBase for any kind of remuneration must
first contact Words to Go at the address below for authorization.
This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors
recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware
distributors, and such distributors may begin offering SwimBase
immediately (However Words to Go must still be advised so that the
distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of
SwimBase.). You are encouraged to pass a copy of SwimBase along to
your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register
their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users
will receive a copy of the latest version of the SwimBase system.
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Single use license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49.00
Software can be used on only 1 computer at any time.
Includes latest disks and printed manual.
Team use license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80.00
Software can be used on any number of computers for the
SAME TEAM. Includes one copy of latest disks and one
printed manual.
League license (per team in league [Min. 30]). . . . . .$30.00 ea
Equivalent to Single use license in usage rights for each
team. Includes 1 copy of disks and manual per team
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